Farmer Focus: Senior Guillermo Franco
‘These kids make me happy. We talk about anything and everything.’
“Going back to Mexico is always my favorite thing to do.”
This week’s Farmer Focus is on senior Guillermo Franco who enjoys visiting friends and family in Mexico and mentoring elementary school students through StuCo.
Favorite Color: Red
Favorite word: Sensational
Least Favorite song: Anything with Taylor Swift
Birthplace: Nacogdoches, Texas
Something you do for fun: Video games
Q: What do you like about going back to Mexico?
A: “I just love the environment. It’s completely different from here. There’s more freedom [and] more adventure.”
Q: Why did you decide to start mentoring?
A: “At first friends would tell me I should try it, and I thought it would be cool. Then I started thinking about it and realized I could seriously change someones life doing this. These kids all need help, whether with school or with family, and I just want to be there for them.”
Q: Is the mentoring only for school related things?
A: “No. First we do what the teacher wants us to do, like certain assignments or extra work, and then we talk about anything they want. I’m mainly there to comfort them.”
Q: How do you like mentoring?
A: “I love it. Most of these kids are outcasts in their schools, but then I talk to them and they are really cool kids.”
Q: Do you plan on continuing mentoring after high school?
A: “Yeah. I would like to continue, but I don’t have any plans to do so right now.”
Q: What colleges have you applied to and been accepted to?
A: “I’ve applied to UT, SFA and I got accepted into A&M, but my dream school is Baylor.”
Q: What are you going to miss the most about high school?
A: “The students … Well, not exactly the students, but my friends. Once we go off to college we are going to go our separate ways and I probably won’t see them much again.”
Q: What have you enjoyed most about high school?
A: “Being able to hang out with my friends. I always love going out and just spending time with them. And also being able to mentor has been a great experience for me.”

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