Farmer Focus: Senior Ethan Volini
‘The main reason I play music is because it’s an excuse to hang out with some of the best people I know.’
“I feel like if I wouldn’t have joined band to play the saxophone, I’d basically be doing homework. There’s nothing wrong with that but [saxophone] adds a spice of life.”
This month’s Farmer Focus is on senior Ethan Volini who is the saxophone captain in the marching band.
Favorite subject: Math
Apples or oranges: Apples
iPhone or Android: iPhone
Favorite show: The Office
Favorite color: Green
Q: What inspired you to join band?
A: “Basically, I just needed the fine arts credit and [when I] was in middle school [I] was like ‘Why not?’ My friends [were] doing it [and it] seemed interesting. It seemed cool to play an instrument and be able to learn that.”
Q: How will being in band help you with your future career?
A: “It’s definitely made me manage my time more and I have to look after myself more in terms of what I get done. It has helped me realize what I can get accomplished. [And] I can play my instrument for money.”
Q: What is the hardest part about being in band?
A: “It’s very time consuming, you have to have the right mindset because if you don’t have the right mindset, then it’ll be very hard for you and there’s a lot of rehearsals. Normally, what you want to do after school is to go home and take a nap. But first, you gotta go to band which makes you more tired so it’s hard to do homework but it’s very rewarding.”
Q: Who has been the most supportive of you being in band?
A: “My parents [because] after concerts they’ll send videos to my family and that will encourage me to keep going. The directors [also support me] because they help me realize what I can do.”
Q: Why is playing the saxophone important to you?
A: “I feel like if I wouldn’t have joined band to play the saxophone, I’d basically be doing homework. There’s nothing wrong with that but [saxophone] adds a spice of life.”
Q: What is your favorite song to play on the saxophone and why?
A: “Probably the ‘Jungle Theme’ from Donkey Kong Country. It speaks to me on a spiritual level. Every time I play it, I learn something new about myself.”
Q: What is an important lesson you learned from being in band?
A: “Manage your time. There’s always something you could be doing to better yourself. Manage your time because in high school, time is an important resource and it’s very easy to want to relax all day. I think it’s more rewarding to focus your time on other things that will help you out in the future.”
Q: What has been your favorite memory from being in band?
A: “Last year, we did our first jazz band concert. That was pretty cool; [I] had a solo which was nice. It was really fun.”
Q: What advice would you give to someone who wants to join band?
A: “Do it. Why not? You’ll have fun, maybe. I don’t know. It depends.”
Q: Do you plan to continue music after you graduate high school? Why or why not?
A: “I’ll definitely play it [because] my friend [Garrett Hicks] plays the bass. So, it’s fine if me and my friends ever want to do a little band thing or maybe jazz band in college, but I don’t want to go farther in music education.”
Q: How do you incorporate music into your daily life?
A: “The main reason I play music is because it’s an excuse to hang out with some of the best people I know.”
Q: How many hours per week do you dedicate to band? How do you keep a balance with schoolwork and band?
A: “Monday, Tuesday and Thursday after school we have two hours of rehearsal. Then Friday morning is an hour so it’s eight hours a week of rehearsal. And in October, every Saturday is competition day. And you gotta make sacrifices.”

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