LHS Top 10 – 2. Johnathan Vasquez
Get to know Number 2 Johnathan Vasquez as he reflects on his high school experience
Q: If you could have any animal as a pet, what would you pick and why?
A: “I would be a lion cause I stay lying around my house in this quarantine.”
Q: What is your dream car? Why that car?
A: “Nissan GTR. I like how it drives, engine and horsepower.”
Q: If you had three wishes from a genie, how would you spend them?
A: “I would wish to have unlimited wishes. I would wish to have a big family. I would wish to have the capacity to have things while also helping others.”
Q: What superpower do you wish you could have?
A: “I would want to have instant transmission so I won’t waste time getting to places.”
Q: If you were given a million dollars, how would you spend it?
A: “Deposit on a house and potentially boot up my businesses.”
Q: What college will you attend? What is your intended major?
A: “I have recently decided to go to the University of Texas at Arlington. I think I will go for engineering and business both.”
Q: What extracurriculars have you been in throughout high school?
A: “[I have been in] StuCo, National Honor Society, an Interact officer, Mu Alpha Theta and speech and debate. [I was a] StuCo officer [in] ninth and 10th grade.”
Q: What was the most challenging aspect about balancing extracurriculars and academics?
A: “Sometimes I would want to be more involved in extracurriculars but my academics and jobs would just not give me enough time for it, but luckily I still felt involved.”
Q: What class was the hardest for you? Why?
A: “I don’t think there was a specific class that was extra hard for me. AP classes and Academic Decathlon were at about the same level. The hardest part would probably just be memorizing concepts in a limited gap of time.”
Q: Who has helped you the most throughout this journey? How have they?
A: “My family has been real supportive. My success is all tied to them and am grateful for their way of raising me. They’ve helped me endlessly throughout my life.”
Q: What has been the most memorable part of high school?
A: “The most memorable memories have just been the ones where I am simply chilling with my friends and talking. Sometimes little moments like those are the ones we miss the most as we grow into a new phase of our life.”
Q: What do you miss most about traditional high school over at-home learning?
A: “In traditional high school learning, one of my main focuses was to listen and learn. In at home learning, it seems like I am doing my online homework, but it is not my main focus. Rather I am focusing on working, which really does not help my academic development.”
Q: What advice would you give to your freshman self?
A: “I would tell my freshman self to stay consistent with the hard work. As I increased in grade level, I felt my work ethic diminish and it was definitely not the most desirable thing to happen to me. It was not that I got lazy, but my mind was just not fully focused. So freshman self: Stay focused!”
Q: What are you most excited about regarding college?
A: “I am excited to earn my degree and start making money. I’m also excited to start meeting new people.”
Q: Where do you hope to see yourself in 10 years?
A: “I hope to see myself with about six to eight kids. I want to be making a good living and have a pretty decent size home. I want to pay for my parents house and build projects for my home country: El Salvador.”

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