LHS Top 10 – 1. Chris Alspaugh
Get to know Number 1 Chris Alspaugh as he reflects on his high school experience
Q: If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?
A: “I’m not sure if it counts as a superpower, but I would have to go with immortality. There are so many things I enjoy doing, learning, playing video games and gymnastics to name a few. I wish I had more time to devote to everything.”
Q: What is one thing you can’t live without and why?
A: “Probably my violin. I love getting to play music and improve my technique. Over this time away from school playing my violin has helped keep me motivated. It’s also been a lot of fun to play with my friends at school.”
Q: Which TV show would you want to make a cameo in and why?
A: “‘The Mandalorian.’ I’d want to be an extra and just sit in the back of a cantina pretending to talk with a cool costume on. Also I’d prefer if people didn’t recognize me unless I pointed it out so that would be a plus.”
Q: Where is one place in the world you would like to visit and why?
A: “I’d like to visit the Line Islands in the Pacific, most of them are uninhabited and since they are on the edge of the Eastern Hemisphere that’s where the sunrise happens first every day. I think it would be cool to experience New Years there and also I like beaches.
Q: What is one moment in your life you would like to relive again and why?
A: “It may be little, but I’d like to eat lunch with my friends again one last time. We always had a lot of fun during block lunch hanging out and talking. I miss the little everyday things more than the big events.”
Q: What college will you attend? What is your intended major?
A: “I plan on attending the University of Texas at Austin and majoring in Aerospace Engineering.”
Q: What extracurriculars have you been in throughout high school?
A: “National Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta and Orchestra.”
Q: What was the most challenging aspect about balancing extracurriculars and academics?
A: “Prioritizing. You’ve got to determine whether the extracurricular you are going to be in is going to help give you a meaningful experience, make friends, etc. or if you’d rather focus on academics. Colleges try to tell you to do both, but you’ve also got to know your own limits. If you get swamped with either you won’t have fun or do well.”
Q: What class was the hardest for you? Why?
A: “AP US History in junior year. Mr. Borenstein was very rigorous when it came to note taking and it definitely helped me get a 5 even if it meant no free time. That being said, that class was also a lot of fun.”
Q: Who has helped you the most throughout this journey? How have they?
A: “My family has always been supporting me and keeping me motivated, whether it’s making sure I get into the classes I want or just listening to my problems; having people who have your back makes life a lot easier.”
Q: What has been the most memorable part of high school?
A: “Honestly the thing I will remember most is this quarantine. I desperately want it to be hanging with friends, performing gigs, UIL, senior sunrise, being in the pit orchestra for the play, Mr. Farmer or anything else where I was with everyone, but I’ll probably remember being apart more.”
Q: What do you miss most about traditional high school over at-home learning?
A: “Being with my friends. I remember last year everyone got to get super emotional and give everyone hugs as they said bye for the last time. I’m sad I might not get to interact with the people outside of my immediate friend group ever again.”
Q: What advice would you give to your freshman self?
A: “High school is about learning sure, but it’s also about making meaningful connections and having fun because finding your own motivations and being personable are skills that are more important in the long run.”
Q: What are you most excited about regarding college?
A: “Learning new things. I enjoy being challenged by classes and I’m sure there will be plenty of fun learning opportunities. I want to be excited [about] meeting new people and being on my own but I’m missing my friends too much right now.”
Q: Where do you hope to see yourself in 10 years?
A: “Working for SpaceX designing satellites that help provide free internet access to areas of the world without internet infrastructure.”

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