LHS Top 10 – 5. Isabella Simpson
Get to know Number 5 Isabella Simpson as she reflects on her high school experience
“I’m very thankful and glad to be where I’m at. It took a lot of work and I’m proud of myself for it.”
Best word that describes you: Complex
Favorite dessert: Rich chocolate cake, chocolate on top of chocolate
Color that describes your personality: Purple
Favorite year of school: Eighth grade
Favorite drink: Kombucha
Q: What college will you attend? What is your intended major?
A: “Southern Methodist University, business finance.”
Q: What extracurriculars have you been involved in throughout high school?
A: “I did varsity soccer for three years, National Honors Society, sports medicine and Junior World Affairs Council.”
Q: What was the most challenging aspect about balancing extracurriculars and academics?
A: “Definitely time management. You have to learn how to pace yourself and not get burnt out. But you do also have to learn how to mark time socially with your friends and not lose motivation.”
Q: What class was the most challenging for you? Why?
A: “Honors pre-calculus was the most challenging for me personally. It was hard because it was one of the first classes I took that I actually had to study for. It was more of an applied class where we had to apply our learning rather than just memorize it. But it’s made me better at calculus.”
Q: Who has helped you the most throughout these last four years? How have they helped you?
A: “My parents, they’ve been really supportive. I would say they’ve definitely been there for me when I was struggling for time management or when I was stressed about something, they were always there and they calmed me down.”
Q: What has been the most memorable part of high school?
A: “The football games and the rowdy crowd, I had a lot of fun showing school spirit. And my time on varsity soccer had an influence on me, I love playing with the girls.”
Q: What advice would you give to your freshman self?
A: “I would tell her not to stress out too much. I would tell her to start looking for scholarships now. I would tell her that I need to relax a little bit because I’m going to be successful no matter what.”
Q: What are you most excited about regarding college?
A: “I’m excited for the in-depth classes and the flexibility that comes with it. I think it’s going to be really nice not having to be in the building all day. I think it’s nice to have my hours spread out so I can go study on my own time. I work better on my own, so I’m excited about that. I’m excited about some of the classes I’ll be taking in the Honors Program at SMU. They have really unique subjects that I’m allowed to pursue.”
Q: Where do you hope to see yourself in 10 years?
A: “I hope to see myself as a financial manager of a fortune 500 company and that’s my goal. I want to be a woman in business.”
Q: What would you change about your high school experience?
A: “I wish I had a little bit more fun. I wish I would have gone out just a little bit more with my friends. I’m very thankful and glad to be where I’m at. It took a lot of work and I’m proud of myself for it. I wish sometimes I would have allowed myself to have more fun.”

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