This week’s Farmer Focus is on sophomore Chris Bowers who plans to excel in choir throughout his high school years. He also played Lumière in Beauty and the Beast.
Favorite show: “Austin & Ally”
Go-to restaurant: Chili’s
Favorite hobby: Crochet
Something you want to learn: How to play the guitar
Comfort food: Sushi
Q: When did you first join choir and why?
A: “When I was in fourth grade, there was an after school choir club. I joined because I’ve always enjoyed singing [since I was 2 or 3 years old].”
Q: What competitions/UIL/regional events have you attended along with achievements?
A: “In my eighth grade year, I went to a solo and ensemble contest, and got an outstanding soloist with a perfect score: 1. In my second year of choir, I went to UIL, and my choir and I got a 212. When I was in ninth grade, I tried out for the district and made it, then, went to solo and ensemble and got a 1 again as a perfect score. For the second year in a row, I got outstanding soloist, and in the same year I got sweepstakes for UIL. Also, this year, I made district for choir.”
Q: What are the most challenging aspects while being in choir?
A: “Definitely learning music theory because there are some changes you can learn, kind of like the basics. Then you assume that’s how you treat everything while reading music and something new comes in. Learning new parts of music theory can always be a little challenging.”
Q: Why would you want to continue in choir?
A: “I would like to continue choir after my sophomore year of high school because it’s a really fun elective. I have a bunch of friends there, and I’m in an a cappella group called ‘Maroon Nine’ that I would like to continue until my senior year. I’ve always wanted to have a career in singing, so I think being in choir can help me.”
Q: What made you want to audition for the Beauty and the Beast musical?
A: “I wanted to audition for the Beauty and the Beast musical because I’ve done musicals before and they seem fun at my school. I felt like I was going to get a bigger role than last year so I wanted to experience that.”
Q: How did you feel having the main role, Lumière, the candle?
A: “Well, it was very fun trying to master it because it’s my first time being a main character in a musical in high school. It feels so much bigger, and I’ve had experience like doing main characters before [high school], but the candlestick was very interesting. I liked to play around with the character and be my own kind of Lumiére because I [had] this image of him in my mind, and I brought that up during the show.”
Q: Describe your experience in rehearsals with the cast.
A: “I loved rehearsals because [on our breaks] we all would get to know each other more, and I loved getting to know the principals and especially the rest of the cast. The ensemble and our dancing were amazing. My experience with rehearsals was very good and it felt helpful because as a main character this year, I felt that learning different lines and how to be there more was better. As an ensemble character last year, I was all over the place, and now I’m kind of sitting there [and facing the audience more]. As a main character for Beauty and the Beast specifically, we switched back and forth from a bar and the town to a castle, and I was stuck in the castle the entire show.”
Q: What was your favorite part of the musical?
A: “My favorite part was the song ‘Be Our Guest’ because when people think about the Beauty and the Beast movie or the show in general, they always think about that song. That was one of my favorites because the dance was so amazing, the singing was so beautiful and it was such a good number. For our performance on opening night, we did the song and the crowd went wild, and it was fun to hear that much clapping.”
Q: What are your plans in joining other plays and musicals?
A: “I will join the musical next year but from then on, that will be my only show of the year and I will not be doing anything else.”