This week’s Farmer Focus is on the senior class community service officer, Ali Harb.
Pancakes or waffles: Pancakes
Favorite binge-worthy show: “Stranger Things”
Nike or Adidas: Nike
Favorite pizza topping: Pepperoni
Dream job: To not work and make money from home
Q: What made you want to become the community service officer?
A: “I wanted to give back to the community and it seemed like a fun position. So far, it’s been going well. This is my first year doing community service. We’re doing it for Student Council, and it’s impacted me because of how I get to help people. It’s a good act of kindness. It’s always good to give back to the community.”
Q: What are your primary roles as community service officer?
A: “To always find new opportunities and find a way to give back to Lewisville because they always give to us, so anytime they need volunteers we send out kids.”
Q: What are some of the biggest difficulties you face as a community service officer?
A: “When you’re looking for new opportunities, you’re never really going to find it. So you always have to find a way out, you always find something to do. The biggest difficulty is really finding people to do these events because some people really don’t have time for it. So when some people ask for 20 volunteers, I have two days for the event. It’s really hard. You’ve got two days to find 20 people. So I really just scram through the hallways looking for Student Council people. And I’m like, ‘Hey, if you want hours, come sign up for this event.’ Sometimes I even offer an additional amount of hours that motivates students to participate more.”
Q: What has been your favorite community service event so far this year?
A: “When we had to go out and help out with the cross country meet. We were there from the morning to the afternoon just helping out with setting up the event and handing out water.”
Q: What is a goal you have for this semester as a community service officer?
A: “To come up with more opportunities the kids in the class get to participate and belong to, like we had a winter necessities drive where we gathered a bunch of people to donate clothes. We’re just coming up with things to give back. We had a Valentine’s food blessing for people who don’t really have food. So we had a bunch of kids donate some mac and cheese and basic food needs, even water too. Some people don’t have access to that stuff. We really just tried to give back to the community.”
Q: What has your experience been like working closely with the other senior officers? Which of your experiences with the other senior officers have made your senior year feel special?
A: “It’s been fun. I don’t want to have regrets senior year, so you’ve got to make it count. Honestly, it’s really just the events that go on with Student Council. We have these cleanups. And so when we all show up, it’s fun. The vibes are there, and I like the senior officers. We’ve been with each other basically since junior year. And we’re about to graduate; that’s why you have to make it count.”
Q: What advice would you give to someone who was interested in your officer position for next school year?
A: “Be ready to work without slacking off, and be ready to wake up early in the morning. The earliest I’ve woken up for an event was probably last semester in September. It was a cross country event, and I woke up around 5, got dressed, ate breakfast and then the event really started at like 6:15. But we really didn’t leave almost until like noon, so it was really like a six-hour event. Honestly, when it comes to waking up early, that’s just been a thing I’ve doing since middle school because I would always wake up early for athletics. I’m kind of just used to it. Even on the weekends, I wake up early for work. So with community service, it’s just a thing I’m already used to. So, it’s really nothing for me personally.”
Q: What will you miss most about the Student Council after you graduate?
A: “Definitely the bond you share with the other people in that class, it’s really fun. I got a good friend, Carlos. He’s the secretary. Obviously, my girlfriend, but we’re going to see each other. I had a good vibe with the school service officers, Ella and Gabriel, and then obviously my good buddy, Daniel Hernandez. He’s the one who sets up all the cleanups and stuff.”