Karen Cooke, Special Guest Columnist
• June 4, 2015
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.”
That, according to Charles Dickens in A Tale of Two Cities, explains the dilemma we humans face as we try to make sense of the confusion...
Karen Cooke, Special Guest Columnist
• March 25, 2015
To best prepare for the inevitable letters of recommendation that I am asked to write for my seniors, I ask them to do a bit of writing for me (tit for tat, I always say!). Standard questions that appear...
Karen Cooke, Special Guest Columnist
• September 17, 2014
I’ll graduate from Lewisville High School this year.
It’s a plan I’ve set in motion by announcing it to my classes and by writing this article. Add to that a visit down to Austin to begin the...
Fairooz Adams, Special to the Farmers' Harvest
• February 21, 2014
Editor's Note: Senior Fairooz Adams is the Student Body Parliamentarian and Chairman of the Energy & Environment Committee for Student Council. As parliamentarian, Fairooz keeps meetings together....