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The school news site of Lewisville High School

Farmers' Harvest

The school news site of Lewisville High School

Farmers' Harvest

The school news site of Lewisville High School

Farmers' Harvest

"I’m really excited that I’m going to a small school where I can get to know everybody and really make a difference."

LHS Top 10 – 1. Kimble Gould

AJ Jackson, Staff Writer May 23, 2024

SNAPSHOTS Secret talent: Baking Foreign language you’d want to learn: Latin Earliest memory: Being mad at my parents for going to a Taylor Swift concert without me Favorite movie genre: Horror Favorite...

"Everything is always going to be OK. Everything turns out the way it’s supposed to; focus on yourself and always do what’s best for you."

LHS Top 10 – 2. Brianna Sibounheuang

Adolfo Martinez, Staff Writer May 22, 2024

SNAPSHOTS Favorite karaoke song to sing out loud: “When I was your man" by Bruno Mars What breakfast would you eat for the rest of your life?: Avocado toast with a fried egg on top Where would...

LHS Top 10 – 3. Unice Kim

LHS Top 10 – 3. Unice Kim

Jade Slaughter, Staff Writer May 21, 2024

SNAPSHOTS Favorite movie: "Pride and Prejudice" What book world would you live in if reincarnated into it?: “The Lord of the Rings” How do you prefer your eggs?: Scrambled Favorite music...

"I’m excited for the new environment. The ability to make new friends and [experience] how different college is going to be from high school."

LHS Top 10 – 4. Katelyn McIntyre

Landon Johnson, Staff Writer May 20, 2024

SNAPSHOTS Biggest fear: Not seeing loved ones Guilty pleasure: Social media  iPhone or Android: Android Favorite songs: 'Wait For Me' from Hadestown Vacation in Hawaii or Alaska: Alaska ZOOMING...

"I’m excited for a new start, to get to know new people, join a sorority, make those friendships and branch out."

LHS Top 10 – 5. Katie Gore

Taylor Sumner, Staff Writer May 19, 2024

SNAPSHOTS Dream pet: Corgi or Boston Terrier Favorite item in your room: Bed Least favorite fashion trend: Low rise anything Dark chocolate or milk chocolate: Dark Lucky number: Three ZOOMING...

"I'm going to attend The University of Texas at Austin, and my intended major is astrophysics. I'm really interested in the science behind stars and the orbits of planets."

LHS Top 10 – 8. Eleanor Power

Samantha Jose, Staff Writer May 16, 2024

SNAPSHOTS Role model: My dad Biggest fear: Pitch black darkness Two items you bring to a deserted island: Boat and a book Favorite ice cream flavor: Chocolate or cookies and cream If you...

"Get involved and don't miss out on opportunities because those opportunities will help you not only with high school life and college life, but they'll also help you determine where you want to go and determine your pathway."

LHS Top 10 – 10. Marry Sung

Charlie Brown, Staff Writer May 14, 2024

SNAPSHOTS Favorite dessert: Mango sticky rice  Sweet or sour: Both Salty or spicy: Salty Favorite season: Autumn One thing you would bring to a deserted island: My dog ZOOMING IN Q:...

“I’m so excited to be a tree. I’m so excited to be able to do something and study things that I’m genuinely passionate about."

LHS Top 10 – 1. Sonika Harish

Jade Slaughter, Managing Editor May 23, 2023
Get to know Number 1 Sonika Harish as she reflects on her high school experience
" I wasn’t really much of an extrovert and starting up from scratch and being the new girl made me realize how hard it is."

LHS Top 10 – 2. Meghana Chinta

Alexa Hernandez, Staff Writer May 22, 2023

SNAPSHOTS Favorite food: Sushi Favorite app: TikTok Best school subject: Math Brushing your teeth before breakfast or after: Before breakfast Rainy days or sunny days: Sunny days ZOOMING...

"The most memorable part would be working on projects with my friends. Class work gives us something to unite with."

LHS Top 10 – 3. Mikaila Labit

Rae Godwin, Staff Writer May 19, 2023

SNAPSHOTS Favorite food: Swedish meatballs from Ikea What color represents you as a person?: Silver represents my personality because I may not stand out very much, but I contribute a lot to the...

"I like to spend a long time on each of my assignments to make sure they’re up to my standards.”

LHS Top Ten – 4. Jessica Alspaugh

Claire Delaire, Staff Writer May 18, 2023

SNAPSHOTS Favorite color: Light blue Favorite school subject: English Favorite song at the moment: Panic’s ‘There's A Good Reason These Tables Are Numbered Honey You Just Haven't Thought Of...

"I’m very thankful and glad to be where I’m at. It took a lot of work and I'm proud of myself for it."

LHS Top 10 – 5. Isabella Simpson

Taylor Sumner, Staff Writer May 17, 2023

SNAPSHOTS Best word that describes you: Complex Favorite dessert: Rich chocolate cake, chocolate on top of chocolate Color that describes your personality: Purple Favorite year of school: Eighth...

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The school news site of Lewisville High School
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