The Lewisville Drumline Invitational will be held at Goldsmith Stadium on Saturday, Nov. 5, starting at 1:45 p.m.
Competing against drumlines from several other high schools, the LHS drumline will be performing a three-part show named “Motivate,” featuring motivational speaking samples between the pieces, as an exhibition.
“It’s just contemporary pieces – really fast,” drumline director Quiyan Murphy said. “They’ll be moving up to tempos of 200 beats per minute. It’s exciting.”
Other drumlines in attendance include Frisco, Grapevine and Allen.
“It’s just healthy competition,” Murphy said.
This show is not just for entertainment, Murphy said. The LHS drumline will also benefit from this as they have multiple drumline directors participating and sharing their knowledge, in the same way football teams benefit from multiple coaches.
“It’s a musical sport,” Murphy said.
These shows began last year, when Marcus High School hosted the first of these competitions. This is the first show of its kind to be hosted here. Admission for the event is $5.
This type of show is unique, according to Murphy, as drumlines are able to perform independently from the rest of the band.
“Drumline is a different entity,” Murphy said. “It can stand on its own apart from the band and have its own show.”