Review: ‘The Dream Synopsis’ turns into nightmare synopsis
Fans have never been more disappointed
The alternative band The Last Shadow Puppets released its new EP titled “The Dream Synopsis” on Friday, Dec. 2. The band decided to cover various alternative songs from the ‘60s while adding its own flare.
Despite the anticipation from fans, the EP disappoints with poor song covers that do not fit the band’s style. In some cases, the original versions are better than the new.
The EP includes covers of “Les Cactus” by Jacques Dutronc, “Totally Wired” by The Fall, “This is Your Life” by Glaxo Babies and “This is What You Wanted” by Leonard Cohen.
“Totally Wired” is by far the worst of the four covers on the EP because of vocals that don’t fit the ‘60s-style vibe of the song. Instead of the slow, calm beat of the original, the cover has a fast, almost heavy metal sound which does not do the song justice.
The original “Les Cactus” song is an upbeat and dance worthy song sung by a French man, but when played with vocals of band members Alex Turner and Miles Kane, the British accent in their voices drags it down. Despite their best efforts, they can’t give the song the flare it displays when sung by a native French speaker.
Updated versions of original songs “Dream Synopsis” and “Aviation” are also included on the EP, but the songs were first introduced on the band’s second album “Everything You’ve Come to Expect.”
“The Dream Synopsis” deserves 2.5 out of 5 stars and is a downgrade from the last album. If it wasn’t for the exquisite songs “This is What You Wanted” and the new versions of “Aviation” and “The Dream Synopsis,” then the EP would have failed. Hopefully the next EP or album will make up for the disappointment.

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