Review: ‘The Walking Dead’ midseason premiere restores hope for fans
Rick and group are ready to fight back
While some people were entertained by the Grammy’s on Sunday, Feb. 12, loyal fans of “The Walking Dead” tuned in to the midseason premiere of season seven. Although the first half of the season did not provide fans with the usual excitement the show brings, Sunday’s episode brought “The Walking Dead” back to its former glory.
After witnessing the gruesome deaths that occurred at the beginning of the season, Rick and the group have finally decided it’s time they fight back against the Saviors who work for Negan to manipulate others into giving up their scavenges. With few strong members left in the group, Rick must ask for help in order to create an army powerful enough to defeat Negan and the Saviors.
He begins by confronting Gregory at the Hilltop community and asking for recruits to train and fight alongside the group. Because he doesn’t want to make things worse with the Saviors, Gregory sticks to his stubborn ways and denies Rick’s request, giving viewers no hope of better days to come.
Realizing the desperation, Jesus mentions the idea of seeking out King Ezekiel’s help, and this introduces the group to the Kingdom, where the king rules over a seemingly perfect community. With Jesus knowing about these prospective allies, who seem to have enough resources and weapons, fans question why they were not informed of their existence sooner.
After arriving at the Kingdom, Rick’s group is greeted by Richard, whom Jesus announces they have similar interests with, and it is made aware that Richard is ready to fight. As the group enters the Kingdom it runs into Morgan, a member they lost touch with, who then accompanies them to see the King.
Unlike himself, Rick pleads to King Ezekiel as he is desperate to receive permission to train citizens in the Kingdom to fight. Fans are able to see the distress and urgency of the group to form an army, willing to partner with a stranger in order to defeat the real enemy.
Once again, the request is denied. King Ezekiel and Morgan would rather be slaves to Negan and the Saviors, giving any supplies they scavenge directly to them rather than lose any more of their people in war. After escaping the Saviors, Daryl becomes a target and seeks refuge in the Kingdom, staying behind while the group travels back to Alexandria.
On the way home the group encounters a situation on the highway, and after stopping to gather explosives the group is bombarded by a herd of walkers. Rick urges everyone to wait in the car while he and Michonne strategize a plan to escape unscathed. The couple makes the getaway possible by driving separate cars attached by a steel line wire on opposite sides of the herd, slicing a portion of the walkers in half. Viewers have seen walkers killed by bullets, arrows and knives, but nothing as exciting as this.
After getting back home the group discovers a note from Father Gabriel, who left Alexandria at the beginning of the episode, and sets out to find him and the supplies he took. Once arriving at the location he is suspected to be at, a large group armed with weapons surrounds them. The episode ends unexpectedly with Rick smiling for the first time in a while, leaving fans questioning if this is a blessing or if Rick is just insane.
Compared to other episodes this season, “Rock in the Road” deserves 4 out of 5 stars. The episode gives viewers the idea that the rest of the season will be as exciting as when the show first premiered in 2010. Because the writers brought back an interesting plot with thrilling scenes like the “slice capade,” they attract viewers who previously lost interest in the show. Finally, Rick’s smile in the ending scene gives hope to fans that defeating Negan is a possibility.

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