Remembering those who joined the Force
From meaningful to purely awesome, here are the most memorable deaths in Star Wars
Starwars Lego figures are placed on top of a Starwars VHS tape. Photo illustration by Dallas Nguyen.
With “Star Wars Rebels’” final two episodes set to air tonight, here is a list composed of the 11 most impactful and memorable deaths in “Star Wars,” whether they are in movies, TV shows, or video games. Be wary for spoilers.
11: Ava Jaxo – “Star Wars: The Old Republic”
Jaxo was a Republic Spy who, after being captured while investigating an Imperial P.O.W. camp, is stuck on the systems level. The trooper, aka the player, who comes to rescue her is then left with the choice of saving 314 republic men and women by venting the systems level and restoring the shields of the facility, or saving Jaxo and letting those soldiers die. A large amount of players either didn’t care enough to save her or cared too much and did save her. In some playthroughs, players had to watch the heartbreaking moment when their trooper chose his duty over his relationship, which is why Jaxo earns a spot on this list.
10: 99 – “Star Wars: The Clone Wars”
The episode “ARC Troopers” is one of the best episodes of the “Clone Wars,” and 99’s arc is a major contribution to it. He was a clone born with genetic defects and as such, could not serve in the clone army. Due to this, he became close with all of the cadets in training, especially Domino Squadron. 99 was one of the biggest parts of what made the clones human and seeing him live his dream to serve alongside his brothers only to die in battle was one of the most tragic parts of the “Clone Wars” and easily earns him a place here.
9: Vette or Torian – “Star Wars: Knights of the Eternal Throne”
This is one where there is no canonical description of who died, so they both rest here. Both of these characters were fan-favorite companions and having to choose which one of them to save from an assault on Odessen was easily the hardest decision in the game. As one of the characters in the game puts it, “In choosing who will live, you condemn who will die.” Players even ended up refusing to play the story part of this expansion for months because they couldn’t bring themselves to choose who to save and who to kill. That mental anguish is why they are placed at number nine.
8: Duchess Satine – “Star Wars: The Clone Wars”
Obi-Wan has a rough life sometimes. Whether he’s an eager-eyed apprentice, a tactical military leader, a betrayed brother or a wise old man, fans usually find themselves sympathizing with him more often than not and the death of Satine was one of those moments. Satine was the leader of Mandalore and at one point had been in a relationship with Obi-Wan, to the point that he would have left the Jedi Order for her. In Maul’s grand scheme to achieve revenge on Kenobi, he killed Satine in front of Kenobi. At this point, only those with hearts made of stone could have kept a dry eye. Kenobi’s reaction summarizes it all. He has finally been broken and cannot go on, at least until he recovers from his grief. Obi Wan had lost almost everything close to him and eventually loses everything else.
7: Obi-Wan Kenobi – “Star Wars: A New Hope”
Speaking of losing everything, Obi-Wan finally reunites with his master and his lover when he was struck down by his former pupil in Episode IV. Kenobi knew death was not the end and was willing to sacrifice himself if it meant Luke could live to fight another day. As one of the most memorable scenes in the franchise, this tragic moment earned its number seven position.
6: Darth Vader – “Star Wars: Return of the Jedi”
No complaints can be made against this scene. It was spectacular, from finally seeing Vader’s face to watching his body burn, all of it set the standard for movie deaths going forward. It was the perfect way to end the original trilogy, and that puts it here.
5: Maul – “Star Wars: Rebels”
Maul is one of the most intimidating characters in “Star Wars,” and he danced quite a ballad with Lady Death, avoiding her clutches multiple times throughout the years. He finally met his match at the hands of his old rival, Kenobi and died peacefully, which no other sith in history has done. He was a Dark Lord of the Sith, ruler of Mandalore, crime boss and so much more. He was truly a testament to both the “Clone Wars” and “Rebels,” as both shows made him into the true powerhouse of a character fans know today.
4: Luke Skywalker – “Star Wars: The Last Jedi”
The original Skywalker is one with the force at long last. The climax of the “Last Jedi” saw the beloved hero use the force in the most impressive way to date to create a projection of himself on Crait half a galaxy away. This feat took all of his energy and in the end, he was able to see one last twin sunset as the Skywalker saga (probably) came to a close. Luke was a testament to the force; hopefully fans get to see him as a force ghost in Episode IX.
3: Kanan Jarrus – “Star Wars: Rebels”
While “Rebels” is not the greatest “Star Wars” show out there, it is by no means bad. Kanan was one of the more favored parts of the show from the beginning, and his death was seen by fans from the very first trailer. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t still hurt. It’s like what happened with Han Solo in Episode VII. Everyone knew the only way Harrison Ford would come back to “Star Wars” was if Han Died, but it still hurt to see it happen. The same goes for Kanan, except his death was far more amazing. Jarrus destroyed an Imperial fuel depot, blocked an explosion with one hand and saved all of his friends with the other. He displayed his true mastery of the force, and that is why he is number three.
2: Ima-Gun Di – “Star Wars: The Clone Wars”
No list of “Star Wars” deaths is complete without this legend, who was predestined to die from the moment he was created. Master Di faced an entire droid army with one man for backup, and lasted for a long while. Master Di only fell after he knew the Twi’leks would be safe. He was a legend and his last stand is one of the great highlights of “The Clone Wars.”
1: Vice Admiral Holdo – “Star Wars: The Last Jedi”
“The Last Jedi” was not a bad movie, despite the fan reactions. One of the things fans did not take a liking to was the character of Vice Admiral Holdo, mostly due to her seemingly betraying the resistance and leading them to their demises. But then she does something truly awesome, which redeemed her to the better part of the fanbase. Holdo flies a capital ship into a First Order dreadnaught going at hyperspeed. The scene itself was amazing. No sound, only the spectacle of two massive ships colliding and tearing each other apart. It’s pure bliss, and that is why it is the most memorable death in “Star Wars.”

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