Review: Netflix’s ‘Cowboy Bebop’ is bombastic disrespect to anime itself
Another failed attempt at adapting a beloved anime
“Cowboy Bebop” was the introduction to a world of anime for people growing up in the early 2000s. The style and storytelling were unique compared to the western animation many were used to. From then till now, a lot are still considering it to be one of the most influential anime out there. With success must also come along a lust for cash, as a live-action adaptation of “Cowboy Bebop” has been in the works for years now. On Nov. 28, Netflix exclusively released season one of the live-action “Cowboy Bebop” series. “Cowboy Bebop” follows the everyday lives of bounty hunters Spike Spiegel, Jet Black and Faye Valentine as they explore space and catch their bounties while learning more about themselves.
The idea of a live-action anime adaptation has always been infamous among anime fans since a lot of previous attempts have tremendously failed and been hated. Netflix’s “Cowboy Bebop” is another title to add to the list of failed adaptation attempts. This is just downright horrible, and even without the context of the original anime, it still doesn’t work on its own. Being optimistic was the most fans could be as any sort of changes to plot points and arcs were expected. Of course, these elements would have been executed well but this just goes to show that anime can’t be translated into live action.
Back in 2017, Netflix attempted to make another live-action adaptation to a beloved anime called “Death Note.” One of the many complaints it received was the fact that so much of the series was crammed into one movie which made it feel rushed. This adaptation took that criticism to heart yet it still doesn’t feel natural. It shrunk one season with 26 episodes to one season with 10 episodes and more seasons in the future in order for it to have a more familiar TV structure.
An aspect that could’ve been the saving grace for the show to be at least watchable would’ve been getting the characters right, which it doesn’t. Mustafa Shakir as Jet Black seems to be the most influenced by the original source material. Since one is more familiar with his actions, he’s the most interesting character on screen. The most unlikeable character of the show is Faye Valentine (Daniella Pineda), whose purpose seems to be watered down to being annoying and the least interesting. The sassiness is completely erased and is instead filled in with her acting like a jerk. John Cho’s performance as Spike Spiegel is an inconsistent mix of the anime along with this show’s take. The quotable Spike Spiegel is missing. His story arc with the syndicate he used to work for is more fleshed out in the anime which completely takes out all of the subtlety from Spike’s character. Speaking of the Syndicate, Vicious (Alex Hassell) and Julia (Elena Satine) are given brand new story arcs since their short yet impactful appearances wouldn’t have worked for the first season. Yet both characters are completely different and make for tame moments in the show.
The syndicate plot point is one of the less likable aspects of the original anime, but in this take, it is far more explored in a slow and boring way. There’s a reason why the arc was left shorter and more up to the audience’s interpretation; it made the characters of Spike and Vicious far more compelling.
A key to what makes any movie or show enjoyable is its screenplay, and “Cowboy Bebop” is no exception to it. By far Netlflix’s “Cowboy Bebop” shows some of the worst writing TV has ever had the chance to put on screen. The unwatchable and cringe-enduring attempts to mimic the same cleverness and quippy dialogue but completely falls on its own face. It already watered down many characters so it also had to butcher the dialogue. Everything as a whole makes the show’s mature themes feel childish.
By far the most headache-inducing thing viewers had to watch was the attempt at making the season finale recreate the “Ballad of Fallen Angels” episode. It completely makes the most important turning point of the anime into a meaningless MCU-esque finale where “funny” one-liners are thrown every second.
Yoko Kanno’s return to compose “Cowboy Bebop” is by far one of the appreciative things fans can enjoy. Many horrible choreographed action scenes were made watchable by its energetic score.
Much more is left to say about the show yet it isn’t worth acknowledging. The anime is still there to be watched by many but probably won’t because of the bad taste many will be left with. This attempt deserves a very low 3/10 with season two having zero hope by fans.

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Andrew • Aug 28, 2022 at 9:51 AM
Best Anime
AJ • Dec 5, 2021 at 1:56 AM
naaaah. It was pretty awesome. I liked it.
R • Dec 4, 2021 at 2:38 PM
As someone who is the a fan of anime, I quite enjoyed this series and hope that it doesn’t get shelved because people think it should be the same as the original.
Seth • Dec 4, 2021 at 2:23 PM
This is one opinion, and a harsh one at that. I thought the show was entertaining and new. Fans of the anime know what the story line is, and most have watched it several times over (me included). This was new and fresh, and the environments look spot on. The acting wasn’t that serious because the show is light hearted and made to be a fun adventure, not a serious tear jerking sob story. Also, in the anime, Spike was hardly ever serious, so acting like John Cho was ignoring the source material just isn’t true. If you want to watch an exact duplicate of the anime….just watch the anime
Paul • Dec 4, 2021 at 2:12 PM
I thought the live-action series was absolutely amazing.
Thing makes more sense in a way in the live-action rather than the anime, more thought out in a way, and the syndicate suits, oh man, I better get one of those. I agree with Chad, there would be little point in watching the live-action if you knew exactly how it would play out.
Roger K • Dec 4, 2021 at 12:32 PM
I’m sorry you’re wrong. So, I don’t know the anime series. Who cares. The actors are memorable, and after 6 shows in, with the appearance of the corgi(s) E1N, I’m hooked. Too bad you have your hear up…. Anyways, can’t someone like the show, any show, without fan-boys slamming it because it doesn’t follow the book… Get over it. The book was fiction, too?
Bailey • Dec 4, 2021 at 11:56 AM
This just reads like a temper tantrum rant because it doesn’t meet your exact expectations. People are watching it enough to warrant a second live action season, which never happened with the original anime.
Jon • Mar 16, 2024 at 11:35 PM
Well…this aged incredibly poorly.
Mike • Dec 4, 2021 at 1:57 AM
False …..I and my family liked it along with several friends who are heavy in anime, loved the adaptation to live action to….it was close enough that you didnt know what was gonna happen even if ya saw the cartoons/comics of years gone by
jar ruth • Dec 3, 2021 at 11:59 PM
Someone is clearly salty. It’s a great adaptation for what it was trying to do. It’s definitely nowhere near as bad as you are suggesting, that’s a bit much.
Thea • Dec 3, 2021 at 8:45 PM
I loved it. And I’m a TV show snob. I thought it was decent. I don’t understand why it’s getting hit so hard, and yet people are obsessed with the garbage that is Marvel movies. I look forward to a second season, and I wish people would stop ruining our chances for it. It was never going to be the anime, just like the animes can never come close to the Mangas.
Chad • Dec 3, 2021 at 4:27 PM
I like it. It was entertaining. What’s the joy if everything is the same? It’s no fun knowing everything that happens.
Joe • Dec 3, 2021 at 10:06 PM
What’s the joy of everything is worse?
The Japanese Death Note movie did it right, both as adaptation and doing its own thing, there’s no excuse, why should anyone settle for garbage of this caliber?
Joe • Dec 4, 2021 at 3:36 AM
What’s the joy of everything is worse?
Daniel • Dec 4, 2021 at 6:24 PM
It doesn’t stay true to the anime. They killed all of the meaningful backstory and personality of each character. This show is a disaster and Netflix should be ashamed of it. They wasted really good visuals on this live action as well.
Caryn • Dec 5, 2021 at 1:45 PM
Agreed. I liked it and the anime has the ability to gloss over things, live action doesn’t have that ability. They have to flesh out the characters and bring something new to get new fans too. It was fun and different. I hope they get a season 2 despite these reviews, because frankly they’re focusing on nostalgia and expectations they have rather than the actual Netflix show. I went in with no basis and found it interesting.
Kenaih • Dec 6, 2021 at 1:44 PM
Yes, sure but what’s the point of the changes if they’re missing the point of many themes and aspects?
Dio • Dec 25, 2021 at 11:21 PM
Sure it is. You never rewatched a show that you loved before?