Editorial: Abusing animals for profit
Experimenting continues horrid normalization
“We should continue to try to lift the animal testing laws in different countries and outlaw it completely.”
Across the globe, companies ranging from pharmaceuticals to cosmetics test their products on animals. These animals can go through a variety of abuse, like force-feeding and having burns inflicted on them. Although it has been a popular resource to test products and their side effects, this isn’t worth the torture animals go through.
Certain animals, like rats, dogs and chimpanzees, are used for their similarities to the human body. While it has had some positive outcomes, overlooking the animal abuse, not all animal testing trials prove a certain product is safe. In the mid 20th century, a drug that was tested on animals and was said to be safe had a horrid outcome. Thalidomide, a pill for sleeping, was marketed as safe for pregnant women, but as a result, thousands of babies were born with defects because of the drug. Animal testing shouldn’t be something to put any faith in, as this isn’t the only time it’s been inaccurate.
Sadly, these animals are exposed to things that may kill them and are even killed in certain ways for studies. They are exposed to diseases or potentially harmful drugs. When tested on, they may be physically restrained for long periods of time or denied food and water.
Within the last couple of years, several brands have shifted away from animal testing. Other brands have gotten rid of it almost completely. But because some countries, like China, require it by law, they still run these tests for their products in these locations. MAC, a popular makeup brand, has always been under the light for not being cruelty-free. Even household names like Febreze and Clorox aren’t cruelty-free, as they sell in places where animal testing is a law.
Despite these brands sticking to animal testing, there are other companies at the same level that don’t test on animals. Almost all mainstream cosmetic companies are both cruelty-free and vegan, as well as some cleaning products on the rise. Brands like Mrs. Myers Clean Day and ECOS are good alternatives to Clorox.
Corporations can be successful without animal testing, as these brands show. Animal testing is inhumane, gross and not worth the abuse. These animals shouldn’t be living in cages in bright laboratories while being poked and prodded all day by mysterious objects. We should continue to try to lift the animal testing laws in different countries and outlaw it completely.

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