Column: Returning to relief
‘Her laugh brought me a warm sense of nostalgia I missed. Her smile alone made me come to the realization of how significantly important she is to me.’
“She’s never failed to make me smile: her goofy personality adds to her character. She’s unique in her own way, and I’m beyond blessed for that.”
Caring is what she is. Her laughter is quite contagious when you hear it. Your day is made when she calls just to see how you’re doing.
Grandparents are a breath of relief during stressful times. She knows just the right words to say to cheer me up when I need motivation.
That’s my nana. She is one of the few people I can put all my trust into. I can talk about anything and everything with her without judgment. She’s the type of person to drop what she is doing to make sure you’re OK after you get hurt. Struggling for many years with no motivation and no hope, she managed to help me. Without her, I wouldn’t be who I am today. I wouldn’t be the confident person who is able to go up to a new person and make friends with them. She has managed to help me through an abundance of hard times. Without her, I don’t think I’d ever be able to deal with things on my own.
Back in May of 2020, I almost lost her. I was so consumed with emotion I became numb. I struggled to talk to people without crying. Memories started flooding my mind, and I wasn’t able to control my thoughts. I realized I was in a bad place.
After having four infections that mirrored signs of a stroke, the hospital staff managed to acquire the right treatment that fit her best. Everyone started to ask how she was feeling and she was able to reply back in a clear response that wasn’t mumbling. Gradually, she began to improve and return to her happy self. Due to COVID restrictions, my family was unable to see her, hug her or talk to her. It had been months since I’d been in her presence.
Finally, around Christmas, we spent time with her. It was such a relief to see her joyful face in person. Her laugh brought me a warm sense of nostalgia I missed. Her smile alone made me come to the realization of how important she is to me. Spending Christmas with her gave me the strength I lacked.
Not a day goes by where I don’t get a text or call from her just to ask how I am doing. The sound of her voice gives me an instant feeling of ease; it reassures me she is OK now. The advice and support she gives me when I am struggling keeps me motivated. I always look forward to being able to see her when I am given the chance to, even if it’s just for a couple of hours. She’s never failed to make me smile: her goofy personality adds to her character. She’s unique in her own way, and I’m beyond blessed for that.

“I remember years ago someone told me I should take caution when it comes to love, I did.” - “Impossible” by James Arthur. Senior Victoria Tacker...
Sheron R White (Nana) • Mar 12, 2021 at 11:39 AM
That was so beautiful, Victoria. As I was reading your sweet words, tears sneaked into my eyes. I love you even more than I can express in words. You’re an inspiration to me every day. Keep being you and never look back. You have so much wonderful life to experience. ?