Senior Goodbye: Facing the next stage of life
‘This is it. It’s all over. I’m turning the chapter in the book of life and waking up from my fever dream.’
“Although my senior year was not the traditional ‘High School Musical’ movie I expected, this was a year full of laughter and life-changing moments I will never forget.”
When I entered high school as a freshman, I never envisioned my senior year the way it has turned out to be. Baby Emily held on to hope as she saw the glamorous events the seniors experienced. “One day, that will be me,” I said. Disappointingly, I have not shared the same surreal experiences. Although my senior year was not the traditional “High School Musical” movie I expected, this was a year full of laughter and life-changing moments I will never forget.
High school overall has felt like one unnecessarily long fever dream, and graduation is when I will finally awaken. Oh, how I will never forget the sleepless nights spent studying. I will always remember the exhaustion of writing an eight-page geography book report in one night, which I indeed received a 100 on, even though I skimmed the book without actually reading it. It is impossible to forget sobbing at 2 a.m. before a geometry test, desperately trying to understand the review packet. Oh, how I cannot omit the memories of the AP world history chapter packets and AP environmental science labs. The bags under my eyes will always remind me of high school and coffee at 10 p.m.
What has for all intents and purposes kept me afloat throughout this blurry memory we call high school are the lovely human beings who have played significant roles in it. I could not do it without all of you, so thank you.
To my absolute best friend, Christine: Even an infinite word count would not be enough to express how much I appreciate you. Throughout several friend group breakups in both middle school and high school, we always remained best friends. Your unconditional loyalty means the world to me. From making cringy YouTube videos together in middle school, to several vacations and road trips, to late library study dates, to getting Chick-fil-A and Canes every day, to writing our own secret friendship code book, we did everything together. You are incredibly dependable and responsible. I know you will do amazing things one day. But this is not a goodbye: I will see you at The University of Texas at Austin in the fall. As Vitamin C said, “As our lives change, come whatever. We will still be friends forever.”
To Aiden: Where do I begin? Let’s go back to freshman year when I accidentally hit your toe with a door. You never let that go. I will owe you a toe until the day I die. I will eternally remember the tea we have spilled and the trauma we have shared. I’ll forever recall bullying you and pulling your leg hair. I’ll miss leaving 50 comments on your stories, and I’ll always pine for our inside jokes, especially the gay ones. And lastly, I’ll remember the nostalgia of laughing with you every day in Pinkham’s room until the end of time. Every day was a new adventure with you. I will keep in contact even when I’m four hours away in Austin. Don’t ever change, Aiden.
To Green Eggs and Ham: Thank you Pinkham for being the astounding teacher you are. You introduced me to my love of journalism. I will never forget the Chipotle and Sonic you’ve gotten us. I will miss your awkward personality and every single time you have yelled “AIDEN.” Your glare of disappointment when we would say something out of pocket will forever be engraved into my brain. Room G213 will always be like a second home to me.
To all the teachers who have served as role models in my life: Mr. Gonzalez, thank you for listening to all of my problems and helping me with college. You also played a huge role in improving my writing. Ever since AP lang, I can write an essay in 30 minutes with no problem. Ms. Head, thank you for the chicken spaghetti. I now feel a part of my basic white culture. Thanks to you, I will never forget the news peg again. Mrs. Stamey, thank you for teaching me leadership. Mr. Moser, thank you for pushing us to do better. Mr. Waxman, thank you for being so patient with me and Christine as we asked you a million questions at a time. Chemistry was my favorite part of the day, especially on dress-up days when you would come dressed as a Jedi or something crazy. Mrs. Werts, thank you for teaching me how to write a professional email and how to search for a career. You were always available when I needed help in anything. Thank you as well for sharing your intriguing life of multiple careers. Your stories were my favorite. Mrs. Tarver, the Delay theater room was always my favorite place to be. I miss our musicals and UIL. “It’s a Hard Knock Life” is stuck in my head till this day. Thank you for being the best theater mom. I appreciate every single one of you for everything, and I would not be the person I am today without you all.
To newspaper: You are my safe place. Starting off in journalism, I never thought I would fall in love with the subject. Joining newspaper paved the way out of the toxic life I was living before. I always did things because I felt as if I had to. But with newspaper, I wanted to. Thank you Anna and Andrea for helping me improve my writing. You both have significantly impacted my writing style and reduced my use of Oxford commas. Thank you Tori for being your quirky self and lighting up the room. I haven’t forgotten the memories of Ms. Hines’ eighth-grade class. Thank you Rohanna for your constant joy and unique Jamaican food. I have enjoyed learning about your intriguing culture. You will be an outstanding leader in newspaper next year, and I cannot wait to see how far you will go.
To my love, Alex: Oh goodness here come the waterworks. Four hours away is four hours too far. I never expected you to be such a significant part of my life. You were my biggest life changer. The past nine months have been the best nine months of my life. You’ve helped me grow and showed me a side of life I never knew. Thank you for always sticking by my side and supporting me through every milestone. Oh how I will long for Whataburger at 2 a.m. with you. The depressing realization of this not being an every weekend occurrence anymore is hitting me hard. If I was asked what my favorite memory from senior year was, I would say any of them spent with you. Being long distance will be difficult, but not impossible. We will take this time to grow individually and come back together better than ever. I love you.
And here I am, writing this as I cry to depressing coming-of-age songs and looking around my room, seeing all of my high school accomplishments. Trophies, plaques, sashes, crowns, mums, prom and homecoming dresses and the newest addition: my cap and gown. This is it. It’s all over. I’m turning the chapter in the book of life and waking up from my fever dream. Goodbye Lewisville High School. I will eternally remember the memories made in the four walls of the school.
The future holds a scary amount of mystery. My journey of adulthood has begun.

"Thought a clean bill of health and a camera could show you the plan." - "Forest Whitaker" by Bad Books. Senior Emily Harrison is trying to get through...
Christine • May 12, 2021 at 10:19 PM
Andrew Waxman • May 12, 2021 at 1:55 PM
Thank you so much for the kind words, Emily. You NEVER bothered me with your questions; that’s your job, and never stop asking questions! Best of luck to you on the next step in your life’s journey. Remember, the Force will be with you, always.