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The school news site of Lewisville High School

Farmers' Harvest

The school news site of Lewisville High School

Farmers' Harvest

Senior Goodbye: Hasta la próxima

‘I’ve been in this small town my whole life, and I’m excited for what the future has in store.’
“Lewisville High School has given me so many good and bad times that I will keep with me forever.”

Ever since I was little, I dreamed of growing up and going to high school. I thought high school would be a wonderful experience just like in the movies, but reality was very different. High school wasn’t as perfect as I thought it would be. Instead, it was a rollercoaster of emotions, a rollercoaster I will soon have to leave. 

Everyone says things change in high school, and unfortunately it’s true, but I have to admit the changes were both good and bad. High school removed people from my life in order to make space for new friendships that were waiting for me. I went into freshman year not knowing what these four years had in store for me. I met wonderful people and have made great memories. Staying up all night to do homework paid off; the tears and stress will soon be rewarded. All the times I wanted to quit, God gave me strength to keep going, and I owe it all to Him. 

I still can’t believe I will graduate soon and that my highschool era will come to an end. I feel like I just blinked and suddenly the moment is here. I still remember when my elementary school teacher told us our graduation year will be 2024, in the eyes of an 8 year old, that year seemed far away. I thought I had all the time in the world, how wrong was I. Now I have to make all these major decisions that will determine my future. After I cross that stage, my life will depend on me. 

Lewisville High School has given me so many good and bad times that I will keep with me forever. It has taught me many life lessons I will never forget. It has given me laughter and tears. I was given the chance to be part of newspaper, and what I’m most proud of is the fact that I was able to be accepted into National Honors Society. I’m thankful for the opportunities this school gave me. I’ve been in this small town my whole life, and I’m excited for what the future has in store. I’m thankful for everyone who has helped me get to this point in my life.

Dear Pinkham- It’s been an honor to be part of the newspaper staff, and it’s been a bigger honor to have you as my teacher. You are really one of the best teachers I’ve ever had, and I can say I see you as a friend. Thanks for always believing in me and for always trusting me with deadlines. I will always remember you as my sister–you know, because of how we eat potatoes. I loved laughing with you and fighting over your chair. Your son is lucky to have a mother like you, and I’m sure he will become a wonderful person. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to join newspaper. Thanks to you, I learned photography and even won awards for it. I owe it all to you. Your classroom was my comfort zone, and I felt so peaceful every time I got there. I was surrounded by people who I knew wouldn’t judge me for showing my true self. I had so much fun in your class and will take with me great memories. Once again, thank you Mrs. Pinkham and God bless you. 

Dear Jade- I’m going to miss you so much! You are the greatest friend ever, and I’m thankful to have met you. I’m so glad I got out of my comfort zone and talked to you in that bus stop. It’s crazy to think we met in seventh grade and now we are about to graduate. I still remember our bus rides and how we would argue and scream at each other; people thought we were crazy, but we didn’t care. I still remember our fog adventure, and I promise every foggy morning I will laugh about our crazy times together. You are such a wonderful person. When I was down, you were always there for me, and when I was happy, you celebrated my happiness with me. I will never forget about how I broke down in September and how you hugged me and told me it would all be OK; you were the only person there for me and I will never forget that. Thanks for making me join newspaper. Thanks to you, I can say I gained a second family. Thank you for everything.

Dear Dulce- My sister, it’s so funny cause I never thought I would have the chance to meet you. I never would have thought we had so much in common. I’m happy I had the opportunity to spend my high school years with you. You truly became one of my best friends. I will miss walking to class with you every single morning and waiting for each other to get breakfast. You’re one of the only people who I can truly trust and who I know will never let me down. Every time I needed something, you were always there for me. When I was having a bad day, you always cheered me up. You always had advice for me during the toughest times. I’m so thankful for our friendship, and I can’t wait to see where life takes us. 

Dear AJ- Jade always talked about how great of a person you were and now I see she didn’t exaggerate. I loved meeting you, and I loved having a class with you. You are such a joy to be around. I’m glad I spent my best memories of senior year with you. You have been a great editor-in-chief, and I learned a lot from you. Thanks for always helping me with writing and photography. You’re such a kind soul, and I’m sure your life will be full of happiness. I hope Mississippi treats you well, and I wish you the best of luck. 

Dear Adolfo- My long lost brother, I apologize for not failing and not being able to graduate together. I know for a fact you will have a great senior year, and I’m sure you can even be in the top 10 of your class. You are such a smart person, and I’m sure you’ll do great things in life. You are like my brother, and I loved the conversations we had during newspaper class. I will miss editing your columns and hearing the backstory of each one of them. I’ll miss you and I hope you stay in touch. I’m excited to see where life takes you. 

Dear James- I never thought I would get the chance to meet you, but I am glad I did. You are a very fun person to be around. I don’t think there was a time where you didn’t make me laugh. Thanks for the rides you gave me after school and for not killing me with your driving. I wish you the best of luck in college and in life. Also, tell your dog and cat I say hi. 

Dear Jaeda- I loved going to get interviews with you; they were such funny moments. I still remember how we didn’t have the courage to open that classroom door and had to get Jade to help us. I’ll miss you, and I’ll miss the bullying as well. You are such a beautiful human being, and I’m sure you’ll have a great life. Thanks for lighting up newspaper with your smile, and I hope we stay in touch. 

I loved spending my senior year with each one of you, and I’m happy I got to be a part of this wonderful newspaper team. Thank you for making me smile every single day, I will miss you all. Hasta la próxima.

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