Dear younger me, I wish I could say so many things to you, but for now, here’s a few things I wish I could tell you. Life will become difficult the more you grow, the more you mature and the more you struggle finding out who you are as a person. You will go through countless phases, some good and some bad. Maybe you’ll dye your hair for the first time and it will look amazing, or maybe you’ll cut your hair a little too short because you listened to your partner.
Remember when you disliked your looks and thought you weren’t pretty enough for anyone? Remember when you thought you had to dress in masculine presenting clothes to hide the way your body looked? Now, you learned to finally express your feminine side and you’ve learned to do makeup and everything, thanks to Joselyne.
Don’t let the things people say about you get into your head and let it dictate how you view yourself as a person, because in reality, what they said about you shouldn’t even concern you anymore.
The things you think make you “different” are exactly what will make you stand out and succeed. Whether it’s a quirky habit, an unusual hobby or a perspective that seems out of place, those are the things that make you, you. Don’t try to mold yourself into someone you’re not. The world needs your voice.
Your creativity and your ideas.
Don’t hide them because you’re afraid they’ll make you different or weird – different is beautiful.
You’ll have friends who come and go, and you’ll face heartbreaks that make you feel like your world is falling apart. But let me remind you of something important: the people who are meant to be in your life will stay, even through the hard times. Trust that the right people will support you and make you feel seen and loved for exactly who you are.
I know you’re often seeking happiness outside of yourself, thinking it will come from a goal, a relationship or a new achievement. But I want you to understand something now: happiness is NOT a place. It’s the small moments, the laugh with a friend, the quiet peace of your favorite song, the feeling of an accomplishment from something you did for yourself. Stop putting off your happiness. Live in the moment. Stop waiting for everything to be perfect to feel content. It already is, in so many ways.
Please, PLEASE do not rush into dating. You were so dense into believing that just because everyone was with somebody, you had to be in one too. Your first few relationships will honestly be rough. They will belittle you, make you feel like you don’t deserve a nice person to be with. There will be some partners who actually taught you meaningful and thoughtful life lessons, lessons that will help you with new and better bonds in the future.
Don’t measure your worth by the size of your achievements, but by the effort and passion you put into them. It’s easy to get caught up in the chase for external validation, awards, grades and promotions. But over time, you’ll realize success isn’t a certain path, it’s about growth. The mistakes, the failures, the missteps are just as important as your victory. The fact that you are constantly learning, evolving and bold enough to take risks will be your real achievement.
I wish you didn’t have to go through all of the hardships and stress people put you through. If you were standing right in front of me, I wouldn’t hesitate to give you the biggest hug. When you’re older, you’ll have the most amazing friends who love you for being simply yourself. And remember, take it one step at a time.
You’ll figure it out.