Justice for the juniors
April 19, 2018
Prom is a special time of year for all high school students. While prom is important to everyone, seniors believe prom should strictly be exclusive for themselves. Juniors think they should go because they are the ones who fundraise for the preparation, decorations and theme.
Juniors do all of the work to prepare for prom, making it easier on the seniors so they won’t be stressed out more than they already are. It is a good opportunity for juniors to have a chance to go to prom that year and get it out of the way, so they will have one less thing to stress about when they are seniors.
The concept of prom is either having a date or going as a group with friends so that students don’t seem like loners at the biggest event in high school. Having the option to go as juniors takes the load off, struggling to get a date for prom at the last minute. Having a date can enhance the experience but it is OK to go with a friend group and just hangout.

With two school years to plan out for prom, it helps juniors save time to find a date if they don’t have one the first time. Students can even go twice if they want to have two different experiences of prom.
The main reason why juniors should be able to go to prom is because they want to have the same experience as the seniors. Seniors need to understand juniors have the same right as them to go to prom.
So in other words, if prom was only allowed to seniors, it wouldn’t be fair to not include the underclassmen. If juniors weren’t allowed to go to prom, they wouldn’t put a lot of time and effort into making prom grand enough for only the seniors to go. So, the only solution is that prom should stay open to juniors and seniors to save all of the confusion and allow students to enjoy all aspects of prom.