The school news site of Lewisville High School

Ashley Aragon

Princess Chelsea Reyna

Q: What is it like being on the homecoming court during the current pandemic?

A: “It was exciting because I thought homecoming wasn’t going to happen due to the pandemic. Being on hoco court is really surprising to me because I didn’t think people would actually vote for me but they did and that makes me really happy.”

Q: What does being on the homecoming court mean to you?

A: “It means a lot to me because I didn’t think people would actually vote for me since I’m not really out there. It makes me happy.”

Q: How did you feel when you found out you were on the homecoming court?

A: “I was surprised. There’s a lot of girls on the ballot and so when I found out I was on the homecoming court, I thought to myself, ‘Wow, people actually voted for me.’”

Q: Have you always wanted to be on homecoming court? Why or why not? 

A: “Yes, I always wanted to be on homecoming court because I thought it would be a good high school experience to have and remember in the future.” 

Q: How has COVID-19 impacted your senior year so far?

A: “It’s been terrible because there’s nothing happening this school year. It’s boring. No pep-rallies, no anything. It’s sad, to be honest.”

Q: Despite the circumstances, how will you make the best out of your senior year?  

A: “I will make the most of my senior year by not being negative, making the best out of everything, being with friends and enjoying the last moments of high school I have left.”

Q: What are you most excited about regarding homecoming?

A: “I’m most excited about football games and senior sunrise but with COVID restrictions it makes it harder to enjoy senior year. School really isn’t the same with COVID around. It brings a good vibe instead of the depressing every day COVID vibes. Also, I really hope we are able to have a prom; I’m really looking forward to the end of our senior year.”

Q: Who/what inspired you to get involved in homecoming? 

A: “No one really, I just got nominated for homecoming. I was like ‘Oh, why not try running?’ and got randomly selected.”

Q: Throughout high school, what were you involved in? What was your favorite activity you were involved in and why?

A: “Through high school, I’ve mostly been involved in Student Council. I’ve been in StuCo for four years and now I’m the student body secretary. I was in yearbook for half a semester but it wasn’t for me.”

Q: What will you miss most about high school when you graduate? 

A: “I will miss everything. The football games, the spirit days. Just being with friends, because after high school everyone goes their own way and I won’t be able to talk to them as much anymore.”

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