Ashley Aragon

Princess Erin Bonehill

Q: What is it like being on the homecoming court during the current pandemic?

A: “I think it’s a good opportunity, but I also think it’s kind of weird seeing how we’re going to do it differently than how we’ve done it past years.”

Q: What does being on the homecoming court mean to you?

A: “It means a lot to me because people actually voted for me and want me to be on the court.”

Q: How did you feel when you found out you were on the homecoming court?

A: “I was super excited and happy that I got the opportunity to be on court.”

Q: Have you always wanted to be on homecoming court? Why or why not? 

A: “Yes, I’ve tried to run in past years but I haven’t gotten on it, so [I’m] happy [to be a part of the court] this year. I always thought [it’d be] fun to be on it and [be in] the parade and that kind of stuff.”

Q: How has COVID-19 impacted your senior year so far?

A: “It’s definitely been eye-opening and made me appreciative of the senior activities we get to do.”

Q: Despite the circumstances, how will you make the best out of your senior year? 

A: “I’m trying to do everything I can at max potential, to do every activity and go to every game.”

Q: What are you most excited about regarding homecoming?

A: “I’m mostly excited about the parade, getting to be in the car or convertible and getting all dressed up.”

Q: Who/what inspired you to get involved in homecoming? 

A: “My friend, last year, did it. She seemed like she had a lot of fun and like she really enjoyed it. I wanted to experience it for myself.”

Q: Throughout high school, what were you involved in? What was your favorite activity you were involved in and why?

A: “I’ve been softball since my freshman year and [this year] I’m a captain. I’ve been in StuCo since my junior year, [and] this year I’m a bonehead, president’s club and NHS.”

Q: What will you miss most about high school when you graduate? 

A: “The thing I [will] miss is probably being involved in things like football games, having fun all the time and just doing things throughout the week.”

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