The district's annual Grandscape movie night will be held on Tuesday, March 18 featuring the 2001 film, “Monsters Inc.” Doors open at 6 p.m. and pre-show entertainment featuring prize giveaways hosted...
The Chin club will be hosting its 14th annual cultural celebration in the Stuver Auditorium on Feb. 20, beginning at 6 p.m. There is no charge for admission, and everyone is welcome to attend.
The annual district art show is currently being held at the Grand Theater in Old Town Lewisville with student artwork being displayed in the theater’s art gallery. Eighteen students from Lewisville were...
Holding their phones like an extension of their hands, eyes locked onto the screen—this is the reality for Generation Z. The first generation to grow up with constant access to advanced technology, their...
Farmerettes will hold prep clinics for middle and high school students, dance one and two classes and drill prep to attend and prepare dancers for tryouts. The prep clinic will be held in the main...
Winners of the annual Martin Luther King Jr. competition were honored at a ceremony Monday, Jan. 20. The contest’s prompt was “Building Bridges of Hope Towards Unity” and allowed for various types...
A new bathroom policy has raised eyebrows among students and staff. This semester, color-coded lanyards for bathroom use were introduced. It’s a move designed to reduce hallway traffic, maintain order...
Following their successful performance of “Beauty and the Beast,” the theater department is preparing for another production.
On Dec. 14 at 6 p.m., the 24-Hour Holiday Play Fest will take the stage...
On Sept. 16, Apple released the newest update to iPhones, iPads, etc.
New Features:
Apple Intelligence- Siri, but even better. It can summarize messages, notifications, mail, etc.
Love and the art of storytelling is in the air as theater presents this year’s musical, “Beauty and the Beast,” on Friday, Nov. 15 and Saturday Nov. 16 at 7 p.m. with a matinee show on Sunday Nov....
All high schools will eventually roll out the district’s virtual hall pass system. While Harmon and Killough have used it this semester, the Main campus will begin to use it at the start of the new semester....
Student athletic trainers are currently selling Butter Braids to help buy new equipment and host future events. The last day to order the pastries is this Friday, Nov. 1. Customers should expect to receive...