More than 50 colleges and universities will be represented on Monday’s fall college fair held in all lunches and from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the practice gyms.
This fair will be held along with open house to attract as many visitors as possible. This is counselor Carma Walker’s first year to coordinate the event.
“We feel that our students need to be exposed to different colleges, different careers; something that will grab our students, to help them make their decisions of what they want to do once they finish high school,” Walker said.
Walker is in charge of everything regarding the college fair, from invitations to parking arrangements. The other counselors will be in attendance as well, helping representatives set up and manning the hospitality room.
“We wanted to focus on more four-year universities for the fall,” Walker said.
With over 250 colleges contacted, some notable universities that will be in attendance all day include Kansas State, Louisiana Tech, Mississippi State, the University of Southern California, and West Virginia University.
Penn State will be in attendance only during the day and Purdue University, the University of Alabama, the University of Arizona, the University of Arkansas, the University of Missouri, the University of Oklahoma, and the University of South Carolina will be attending during the evening.
The event will be operated differently from previous years, and the Killough and Harmon campuses and career centers will be attending the afternoon fair. This fair will be more college-oriented in the fall and will focus on more technical and career choices in the spring. The variety and number of options this year will be exceptionally large compared to previous years as well.
“If I can just get a little exposure for the students to grab, [they can experience] as many options as possible to make a good decision on where they want to go to school, because it does need to be a good fit,” Walker said.