Funding for fun day
LISD to commence two week fundraiser
Every year Student Council organizes a community project that is proposed to the school board. This year, the prize for the community project winner will be bigger than before.
“The teacher student advisory board has asked us to do a two week fundraiser to take part in,” StuCo adviser Allison Stamey said. “The school that raises the most money in the district will get a half day.”
The student advisory board worked with superintendent Dr. Kevin Rogers to come up with a service project for all the high schools to participate in. All five schools will have from Feb. 15 through Feb. 26 to collect the most amount of money to donate to their choice of charity.
“We try to plan a service every year,” senior student adviser Kayla Conner said. “Last year we did the senior parking lot. This year we wanted to do a community service. So we chose the charity funding.”
The charity that was chosen is Pedi Place on Old Orchard Lane. Pedi Place is a pediatric service center for kids who are uninsured or qualify for Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Other high schools will have chosen their own places to donate to all in good competition.
“We all really wanted to do a competition because we knew that with competition more money would come in,” Conner said. “There may even be extra prizes if all the schools raise 20,000 dollars total.”

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