Column: Her first steps

When something drastic happens, sometimes it changes your perspective for the better


Laura Godinez

“Holding that little girl in my arms for the first time really opened my eyes to what I really wanted my life to be about.”

Have you ever had a moment in your life where everything bad has been meaningless? Or the constant pressure you feel when your world is crashing down around you is lifted off your shoulders?

Or a moment when you, for the first time in a long time, feel like everything is going to be okay?

That’s what it felt like.

The first time I held her in my arms, her tiny body wrapped in the stiff fabric of the hospital blanket, was remarkably breathtaking.

Eileen Alyana Costulis.

A beautiful name for my beautiful sister.

I remember thinking that day how frail she was; how much potential this little girl would have when she grew up. From learning her ABCs to having her first heartbreak, she’ll experience life first hand. All of its beauty and ugliness will be at her fingertips someday, and though I’m not a parent, I can appreciate the thought of the life she’ll lead some day.

From that day on my outlook on life changed; I guess you could say it became a lot more hopeful.

You could say that because of Eileen being born, I have a reason to really try to do things. Although it might be hard to understand, I have a drive to be better for her. She’s little now, but she won’t be forever, and when the time comes for her to grow up and experience what I am right now, I want to be there for her.

Whether it’s taking her to soccer practice for the first time or listening to her screech the Veggie Tale theme song from the back seat, I want to try to help her in any way that I can.

However, just like any normal little sister, she still manages to annoy me to no end.

When she throws one of her signature tantrums, wailing so hard her face turns red, I can’t help but put in my headphones or leave the room. Another great example would be when she refuses to either give my phone back, or takes off with the TV remote. Let me just say, when you have a one and a half year old standing over tile with your fairly new iPhone 6 that just so happens to not have a very good case, you’d be more than a little nervous too.

Overall though, I’m pretty thankful to have her in my life.

I’ve had both good and bad experiences with her, and at times it has definitely tested my patience.

Despite that, however, I wouldn’t change a thing about having her in our family. If anything, I’m happy that I not only get to help her grow and experience life, but that I get to help someone through all the hardships I struggled with.

Holding that little girl in my arms for the first time really opened my eyes to what I really wanted my life to be about.