Thumbs: Summer countdown, allergy season, gas prices and more


Graphic by Laura Godinez.

UP: The final weeks

With less than nine weeks left of school, seniors are ready to pounce out of their seats and set off into the “real world.” Teachers are working hard to keep students focused, but to no avail. Soon they will be out, exploring life to its true potential. Some will stay at home, while others will go away and may never come back. No matter the route, the next nine weeks will be agonizingly slow.

DOWN: Springtime allergies

The sun is out, flowers are blooming, birds are chirping, the weather seems perfect. Spring is here. And well, so is allergy season…itchy eyes, runny noses and constant sneezing. Achoooo, achooooo, achooooooo is all that comes out of your mouth. Those around you “bless you” a couple thousand times until they just give up because they know this will be a continuous thing throughout the day. The worst part is that there is no way to avoid it and you’re stuck in class feeling bad. Now you can’t even enjoy the wonderful weather because you have to be confined to the walls of your house.

UP: Exercise your rights

Everyone should go out and vote because all votes count. If we want change in this country then we have to stand up for what we believe in. One vote can make a difference. Not everyone had the opportunity to vote back when voting rights weren’t equal, but now we should all take advantage of a free option that’s given to us and be a part of the change.

DOWN: Gas price comeback

Remember when gas was $1.50? Yeah, those were the good old days…more like a month ago. Prices have gone up more than 25 cents in the past month putting the gas price average for Texas at $1.88. Say goodbye to the extra money in your pocket that was there due to the low gas prices. It feels like a great terrible flashback to 2012 where gas prices climbed up to almost 4 dollars. *Cue screaming, crying, and civil unrest.* Not that current students could actually drive back then but now that we can, those of us who have to pay for gas out of our own pocket…it hurts.

UP: Spending time with loved ones

With the stress of exams and the preparations to go to college leaves little time to spend with family. Even parents have it hard trying to spend time with their children when the stress of work and getting bills paid weighs down on them. Small things can make a difference in a family. Activities such as watching movies, going to the park or even just playing a simple board game strengthens the bond between family members. If not any of those, just sitting down and having dinner together, with no phones or distractions, is better than nothing. No matter what grade you are in, whether you’re a senior or a freshman, you are never too old or too young to spend time with those who love and care for you. Spend your time wisely.

DOWN: Cutback on prom

Seniors and juniors get together for one night to dance the year away. For some, the anticipation starts building freshman year, and others the beginning of senior year. Hundreds and hundreds of dollars are spent toward a few hours. The nicest suits, dresses and accessories are purchased only to be sweat off in a matter of minutes. Because this dance is worshiped so much, it should be specifically for seniors. Unfortunately for now the dance stands as a mixture of two grades with little meaning and too much money being dropped on one very cliche night.