Thumbs: Thanksgiving, cuddle buddies, Black Friday shopping and more


Graphic by Laura Godinez.

UP: Spending time with loved ones

Thanksgiving is just one week away which means it is time for friends and families to come together and stuff their bellies almost to the breaking point. Now is the time to reunite with loved ones and eat as a family. For some of us this holiday is one of the few times we get to spend time with both friends and family so it’s important to cherish each moment. So prepare to chow down like champions because even though Christmas is soon there’s nothing like a wholesome Thanksgiving feast to enjoy with the whole team.

DOWN: Thanksgiving weight gain

Imagine a decoration of food compiled with pumpkin pies, yams, sweet potatoes, casseroles and a huge turkey strewn across the dinner table. The idea of a large dinner makes sense as the origin of Thanksgiving is about a dinner shared between the pilgrims and Native Americans. However, the weight we gain often forces us to buy new jeans when we can’t button the previous pair the next day, or gets us to dread the thought of having to work out more strenuously after the holiday break. A full stomach makes our heart happy, but the few extra pounds that come with it cause our minds to worry.

UP: Cuddle buddies

During the months of September and October many are searching for the one. Maybe not the one to keep forever but at least until March. Often classified as cuddle buddies, these space heaters come with multiple advantages. Most people on the hunt tend to go for those who have a little more muscle on their bones to keep warmth circulating. With a cuddle buddy there won’t be a need to change the thermostat which leaves a little money left for those after holiday sales. Everyone should be comfortable to share their warmth and blanket with their partner of choice whether it’s a boyfriend, girlfriend or bestfriend. Cuddle buddies provide emotional assurance and give a sense of safety as well as a friendly atmosphere; it can’t get any better than that.

DOWN: Working during school year

Let’s face it, having a job while in school is not even close to a stress reliever. On top of piles of homework, dreadful AP classes and insane teachers, work is one more reason to kiss sleep goodbye. With all of the late hours and crazy schedules, homework ends up being done five minutes before class and every chance of a social life is erased from existence. Well, hey, at least you have money.

UP: Catching up on sleep

While going to school, students lose so much sleep that it’s surprising we can survive on only three hours of it. Once Thanksgiving break starts it’s going to be a huge relief to everyone. We need to catch up on sleep before returning and powering through the three and a half weeks before Winter Break.

DOWN: Black Friday

With Black Friday right around the corner we all should take the time to remember who’s dealing with the monstrosity of customers. Workers of course. In the stores that offer big deals or promotions on Black Friday, employees have to deal with rude and obnoxious customers who want exactly what they came for, even if it is sold out. Conflict between customers and employees are ongoing every year. Let’s encourage the employees because they could be with their families but instead are stuck dealing with customers.