Column: Being homeschooled

‘I am so thankful for the education I received from home that helped prepare me for high school and college.’


AJ Jackson

“I can say with full confidence being homeschooled has shaped me into who I am today.”

First through third grade I was in a charter school right down the street from my house. Originally named “Texas Education Center,” however, now it resides by “North Texas Collegiate Academy.” My dad worked at the school as a P.E. coach and the music teacher. After a peek behind the curtain of the school system, my parents decided to homeschool my brother and me to give us a better education. 

The first year of homeschooling me (fourth grade) and my brother (sixth grade) used the ACE curriculum which was all on paper. After that, we switched to the Alpha-Omega curriculum which was online. Once my brother hit ninth grade he started public school and I went back to work on paper by myself for two years. Then, same as my brother, I started public school once entering high school.

Unlike most of my peers, the majority of my childhood was spent doing all my school work at home and I really enjoyed it. Of course, it was school, so I didn’t love every second of it, but overall it was a pretty positive experience. Although, I did sit at a pretty uncomfortable desk while my brother got to sit on a couch while doing his work.

I can say with full confidence being homeschooled has shaped me into who I am today. Because of homeschooling, I am really good at carrying a conversation, especially with adults. When you’re around your parents and other adults all day long, you start to become more and more like them. I am extremely mature for my age, but that comes with both pros and cons. While yes, I’m comfortable around adults, I am not so easy-going around other teenagers. I would much rather have a conversation with an adult than another 15 year old.

Because of being homeschooled, I am super close to my parents and that is something I am extremely thankful for. When you’re homeschooled, you are with your parents all the time, and there is no longer a difference between home and school life. I feel like after being homeschooled I have a super special and close bond with my dad because he was the parent at home while my mom worked. My dad and I get annoyed with each other as easily as we feel love for each other. It is highly unusual but one of the best parts of my life.

After being in public school for a little while now, I can say I prefer being homeschooled over public school, and I don’t hate public school. I am so thankful for the education I received from home that helped prepare me for high school and college. I know I would be nowhere near who I am today without being homeschooled, and I don’t mind who I am today. I am so thankful for that experience.