Opening season for swim team
Swimmers learn value of teamwork
Sophomore Brandon Diaz-Estrada leaves from a cutaway during practice on Wednesday, Sept. 27.
Not certain how the first swim meet would turn out, head coach Craig Harris hoped for the best as new members of the team learned the structure of swim meets. Even though mistakes were made during the first meet on Thursday, Sept. 28, the team placed second against Keller Central and Keller Timber Creek.
As the next meet on Tuesday, Oct. 17 approaches, the team hopes to make improvements. This year the swimmers plan to work on focusing as a team rather than as individual swimmers.
“The team has changed [because] the people we have now are more accepting [to] being coached which can cause me to change things,” Harris said. “Which [in turn] can inspire me to do more with the group.”
Because everyone is willing to work on their skills, the team plans to not stress out as much.
“[This year is] more laid back, it’s very nice,” senior Woodrow Hazel said. “I think we got a better team this year, we got more people that are more dedicated to swim.”
Feeling like one big family is important for the team so there is a sense of belonging. If the swimmers don’t feel a sense of connection, then they won’t try their best at their swim meets.
“[Coming together as a team] means a lot for the club and growing together is super important,” junior Brennyn Albritton said. “[We’re] trying to include the freshman a lot this year.”

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