Winter guard wins third, ends season
Team places in North Texas Colorguard Association contest on Saturday, April 7
After a weak performance only three days before the state North Texas Colorguard Association contest, winter guard members revamped their confidence by finishing third place in the competition with their show “Muddy Waters” on Saturday, April 7. Learning from their last performance, they worked on staying in tune with one another and keeping the energy on the floor.
“My main concerns were that our level of energy would die down because we did have a performance earlier that week where we just totally blew it because we weren’t prepared,” junior Esteban Pina said. “As we went to the practices we got our act together and did wonderful at championships.”
While the team lost a lot of their members at the beginning of the year, juniors stepped into leadership positions to help the new underclassmen understand the basics of color guard.
“In the beginning I was like every other freshman,” senior Marco Nava said. “I barely started, but now I do rifle and sabre so it’s a lot more to do but it has made me better.”
Junior Camille Mims has been on the team since her sophomore year. Throughout her time on guard, she has improved her craft through intensive practice to prepare for the championship.
“After practicing for so long I got more confident in just releasing everything and also [knowing] that I will catch it; even if I don’t catch it I still push forward and keep going not letting all of the mistakes I’ve had made get in my head,” Mims said.
Other members of the team were extremely nervous as Saturday approached.
“I was definitely nervous because it was my first time having a solo and [I was] in a winter guard mainly made up of freshmen,” Pina said. “I asked my captain last year to see how I can get my nerves in order and he told me just don’t worry about it and if you haven’t dropped anything last competition then you will be fine.”
Despite the nerves, winter guard members kept what was important in their minds: making sure the audience enjoyed the show.
“My main goal was to give the audience a show they wanted to see,” Pina said. “Even Mr. Green told us there’s a lot of people counting on the Lewisville guard, and they have seen us grow and are excited to see us perform.”
The season may now be over, but juniors aren’t quite ready to leave all of their experiences and friends behind.
“I’m more sad than happy; actually the only reason I am happy is because I have more free time, but I’m sad because I am with these people until the first of August all the way to April,” Mims said. “I’m sad I won’t be able to see them for the rest of the school year. I will see them all next year, well the juniors anyway, but I hope to do better than this year and I know everyone else will be thinking the same way.”

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