Putting a twist on the hit TV show “American Idol,” the Anime Club will host its own vocal competition titled “Anime Idol.” Oct. 6 was the original date of the event, but had to be cancelled due to technical difficulties; the club does not yet have a new date set.
Singing songs from their favorite anime, the members of Anime Club will be competing in Anime Idol with very similar concepts such as three judges to provide input and even a host to act as the club’s own Ryan Seacrest. Some members will even be going as far as “cosplaying” or, dressing up as an anime character.
“The main point of anime idol is to show off the different talents our members have,” senior Anime Club officer Valonessa Hambriace said. “It’s all about sharing what we like in this Anime Idol.”
As with every competition, there will be a variety of prizes that will be given to the winners of Anime Idol which will be provided by members of the club.
“Usually prizes are just donations from the group,” said Summer Pirkle, senor former club president and participant. “It ranges from comics to anime to just anime-related goodies I guess.”
While there are three judges to carefully examine and provide input for the performers, the judges themselves are not the ones who choose the winner of the competition.
“The judges don’t actually make the decision they simply give their commentary in the persona of the judge that they are impersonating,” senior Anime Club member Jesin Abraham said. “The winners are decided by votes.”
While Anime Idol may seem like just any other vocal contest, the event as a whole benefits the entire club.
“It gives everybody something to look forward to and it gets everyone to know each other more,” said Pirkle.
Anime Idol will be held in the commons by the old cafeteria. The exact time of the event is still undecided. Admission is free.