Column: Final thoughts unto you
I cannot count how many years I have been enrolled in school. All I know is that it has been a world of different experiences, ranging from abysmally terrible to euphorically joyful. There were no discernible patterns to events except that they occurred at random. It was all up to chance what happened the next day and the day after and so on and so forth. However, this multitude of different memories has definitely taught me an equally abundant multitude of lessons, whether they concern the well-being of my body, the state of my mood or something else entirely. If I said I didn’t regret the sins that I’ve committed to in the past, I would most certainly be lying. Yet, I still find optimism in the teachings from the consequences of me committing those very sins.
One of the most valuable lessons I have learned thus far in my life is that the world’s mightiest weapon is the mind. You see, imagination is a powerful tool. It can shift perceptions of the past, cause drastic changes to the present in an instant, and can paint a future so vivid and unique that it can entice or terrify, all depending on how we as humans, with so much power, conduct ourselves. Throughout my life, I’ve seen pure examples of this, as well as the opposite. I’ve seen it in the textbooks, and I’ve seen it in the hallways of our very school. I’ve seen such acts worshipped and equally disgraced, reenacted and shunned. I have truly taken this to heart.
Never take shortcuts unless absolutely necessary. Convenience does not dictate correctness. Don’t cut corners; don’t look for an easier way to a problem that scares you unless the direct path to your goal will bring you harm. This is my final piece of advice for you.
Life is not easy. Life will never be easy. Life will beat you senseless and kick you while you’re down, then spit on your broken body. However, what life can NOT do is keep you down.

Words I live by: "Imagination is a powerful thing. It can change perceptions of history, cause chaos and order in the present, and paint a future so vivid...