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The school news site of Lewisville High School

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The school news site of Lewisville High School

Farmers' Harvest

Senior Goodbye: You’re gonna go far

‘Whether I stay in Lewisville or head ‘far from here,’ it’s rewarding to know ‘we’ll all be here forever’ in the memories this city holds.’
“It’s the uncertainty of tomorrow that drives my mind to push through the barriers of what-if’s and see beyond the years of education in front of me.”

Life is a revolution of change. Whether it’s good or bad. A lesson I’ve learned is to enjoy every moment like it’s your last. Time isn’t guaranteed, so bask in the mistakes and learn to get back up again.

As senior year comes to a close, it’s hard to recognize the finish line is right around the corner. No more late bus rides, interviews around school or a chance to photograph just one more school event. Swamped in work from my own procrastination has made me reflect on whether I am heading into college. Staying up all night yielding no progression made getting through the day even harder. If there was one solution to the madness of senior year, it would be with the help of Noah Kahan—especially the song “You’re Gonna Go Far.

Moving away and leaving others behind is never easy, but change can be the very essence of success. Whether I stay in Lewisville or head “far from here,” it’s rewarding to know “we’ll all be here forever” in the memories this city holds. 

To my day one, Megan: Though we went to different schools, I wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for your presence in my life since kindergarten. Whether we are fighting in Walmart about how to bag our groceries or laughing as we cheat in another game of Monopoly, you never miss a chance to make me feel alive. Everything is easier with you by my side. I can be my authentic hillbilly self around you and your family. You’ve welcomed me into your loving family with open arms, and I thank you for allowing me the opportunity to have a family like yours that I can call my own. It amazes me how far you have come and how passionate you are about your future. I love you Megan, I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you as my best friend.

To my ray of sunshine, Bubba: Little do you know, you’re the entire reason for why I strive for betterment in my academics and educational career. You make me a better daughter, a better sister and a better person. When I’m at the end of my rope, you pull me back into your warm embrace and tell me about the day you had. I love teaching you new words and phrases, especially the sassy remarks you use on Mom and Dad every once in a while. Our special handshake and random dance parties to Just Dance 4 are forever ingrained in my heart. I love the way you laugh with your entire belly, the way you need McDonalds twenty four seven and the way you always know exactly what I need. It’s you and me til the end Bubba, forever and always. 

To my Ruebster: Even though you make fun of me for not knowing how to ride a bike, I’m going to miss your quick-witted sense of humor. I loved our talks where you taught me about football and told me what the X and O’s mean. Our Austin trip was the best, no matter what you say. The people were weird, but it was great commentary for us, especially the furries. You are an incredible writer, and I’m proud of you for continuing journalism in college. I will continue to stalk and support your improvement at UNT, so be prepared. I’m thankful for your inclusion on sports rants about Michigan’s unbeatable team last season and your love for the Dallas Stars. I’m going to miss these talks, but I’ll always remember your lasting impact on my life every time I watch these games knowing you’re probably screaming at your TV screen about the last play. 

To my Pinkie Pie: *crying* What am I going to do without your constant reminder of needing to get my life together? I’m going to miss the way you mocked my southern accent and the helpful food deliveries you’d make for me. It wouldn’t be a proper send off if I didn’t mention your excellent taste in picking out interesting hotels. The conference held at the hotel in Austin was just the cherry on top of the amazing time I had with you and Ruben on that trip. Thank you for teaching me how the stations on the radio work and helping me come to the realization I will never understand geography. Seriously though, I’m going to miss you. You are more than just a teacher in my books. I’m glad to have known such an endearing ferret-loving weirdo. 

To my AJ: What a wild ride it has been since freshman year. Looking back on freshman year being virtual, I never would have imagined the curly-hair, freckled girl staring back at me would come to be one of my closest friends. From UIL seasons to sleepovers where we played multiple rounds of Clue, I loved every second of enjoying life with you by my side. We smashed it while photographing football and dancing along with the band’s performances. When I think of high school memories, there’s no doubt you come to mind as well. I hope you have a wonderful experience at Mississippi State and learn more about yourself along the way. I can’t wait for the hour-long phone call updates we’ll have about our lives in college. I’m thankful for your humorous aura that surrounds me. I’m going to miss you AJ, stay cool for me. 

To my Madiner: I’ve had such a blast hanging out with you all year long. I’m thankful for you including me on yearbook input and getting to know you more. I’m proud of the work you’ve put into this Mona Lisa-like yearbook. I’m going to miss your funny humor and cute Hello Kitty aesthetic. I hope you enjoy the college experience and become the life of the party.

To my Sami: I still remember the day you approached me at the bus stop in seventh grade. I was timid and scared of transferring to a new school. You were my first friend at Lewisville, and you’ve been my easy-going, caring best friend ever since then. I look fondly on the memories we made of climbing the apartment’s tree at the bus stop, the mean squirrel chasing us every morning and the iconic fog videos of us thinking it was the zombie apocalypse. I know after high school our friendship will remain unbreakable. Even though you’ve had to deal with my bickering, unfiltered mouth throughout the years, I’m appreciative of your endless support in my achievements. It was the best decision I made as a junior to convince you to join newspaper, and I’m glad you got to be a part of yet another important milestone in my life. 

It’s the uncertainty of tomorrow that drives my mind to push through the barriers of what-if’s and see beyond the years of education in front of me. I recognize the fear of not amounting to anything and disappointing myself for not providing Bubba with a brighter future. Yet, I won’t let those impossible outcomes be more than an endless worry.

I will be the change in my own destiny, I will conquer the challenges ahead of me and I will live to see the glory behind my success.

So “put a hand on your heart” and “be wherever you are” in this thing called life.

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