Senior Goodbye: Moving to greener pastures
‘To all the people who doubted me: So long you leeches.’
“Goodbye and live wonderful and free lives my comrades.”
My senior year is finally over and I can barely believe how much I have changed in a matter of four years in high school. I have tons of good memories to last a lifetime, but unfortunately I have equal amounts of ruined relationships, failed friendships and unnecessary drama to last just as long. However, I wouldn’t trade those memories for anything in the world because they helped build me into the young man I am today.
At the start of my senior year, I missed two weeks of school because I had recently finished basic military training in Fort Benning, Georgia and was having a graduation ceremony. It was tough coming back to civilization after spending three long months in a harsh and hostile environment. I had to remember to say thank you when I was given something or say please when I wanted something from someone else. It was difficult being in a noisy environment because it would stress me out not to be able to hear much of my surroundings. When people would whistle loudly, I had to fight the urge to drop onto the ground while screaming, “INCOMING!” It sounds funny, but the bottom line is it was awkward to adjust back into civilian life.
However, the lessons I was taught at basic helped me become the man I am today. I learned honor, integrity and pride; all of the essentials to being a soldier and to be an even greater person. I even met lifelong friends while I was training and still keep in touch with them to this day. This decision has changed my life drastically.
When people ask me, “Would you do all of that again?” The answer is yes; I would do it all again in a heartbeat because that was the best life choice I could’ve made.
I know everyone was surprised to see me return because of the comments I noticed on a group chat which I was a part of. “Omg! Somari is back. Is he buff now? Has he changed a lot?”
Well, surprise, I’m not dead! I returned as a better version of myself. It was hilarious to hear those comments and realize how much I missed my newspaper family. I will never replace the experience we shared together for anything in the world. The fun staff nights (even though I was always broke and couldn’t go to most of them), the laughs we shared and the stressful deadlines of publishing content on time. Ever since I left for training I realized how much I missed those small details in my life that made me feel good about myself. I cherish every memory I have made with my second family at school so I would like to thank all of you in newspaper for giving me something to remember and smile about for the rest of my life.
With graduation approaching, I have to say goodbye to all of my close friends I have met along my journey. If I didn’t have the support of my friends, I don’t think I would have had the determination or desire to pass basic, so thank you my friends for giving me your hope and support.
To all the people who doubted me: So long you leeches. I will not miss any of you who would constantly try to bring me down with unnecessary school drama. I wish you all the best of luck in your lives, but I’m no longer going to let you drag me down the dark road you walk.
To my closest friends: I know it must be hard for you all to see me go active for 20 years but please don’t forget about me because I will never forget about any of you. I have so many wonderful memories with you all that I can think back to and smile about. Of course we also have had our bad times, but they only made our friendships stronger. I can’t wait to see what becomes of you all, but I pray you are successful in whatever you decide to put your minds to.
To my other half: I will miss you most of all because we have been together ever since birth. I will always love you no matter what; wherever the Army may take me, always remember I will bring a piece of you with me everywhere I go. You have supported me through all of my decisions, good and bad. I have done the same for you. I can’t wait to see you make your dreams a reality. Love you forever brother; never stop being yourself.
Now, I must close this letter and continue along the path I set out for me. I will miss all of you who I didn’t mention above and I will miss high school, even if sometimes it was a pain in the neck. Goodbye and live wonderful and free lives my comrades.

“Rather be the hunter than the prey and you’re standing on the edge, face up cause you’re a natural.” - “Natural” by Imagine Dragons. Senior...