Senior Goodbye: End of a wonderful maroon chapter
‘We are all done for now.’
“Thank you to every teacher from the past four years of my life and each fellow Lewisville Farmer for making a high school a crazy but great experience.” Courtesy of Alexandra Canizales.
These past four years have not been the “best four years” of my life, to say the least. To summarize it for you, if they were to be the best, then the rest of my life would not be fun. However, they have been memorable. I have experienced moments I will remember for a long time. Some of those moments I wish to never forget, while others I wish I couldn’t remember.
Let’s take it back, the year is 2016. At the moment, I cannot remember the first day of high school. It might come back in five years at 3 in the morning when I wake up sweating buckets, remembering how cringey I was freshman year. I don’t remember the awful outfit I chose to wear that day, or any other day to be honest. I do remember my freshman year class schedule and the bittersweet five minutes in between class periods. I remember the fun I had getting to start to know my peers, not yet knowing how different we all were.
Every year was full of something brand new, which was hard to take in at times. What helped me navigate those weird, sensitive phases were those who were constants. They were waves of positivity, friendship and a sense of safety.
The same third period for almost four years allowed me to feel comfortable in a space in a building where comfort wasn’t too familiar. There were days where this classroom was the only room I wanted to be in. I know the inside of this room so well by now, I hope I never forget it because it has done so much for me. I think I will always be reminded of third period when I hear a coffee machine going off in a busy room.
Fourth period brought me so much of everything. It was my favorite time of day, I was surrounded by people who gave me some of my highly-treasured high school memories. Cheering for all of you has been one of my favorite things and I will always be on your team for as long as you need me. Thank you for all the laughs and love. You all will forever be my favorite players of all time.
Multiple songs remind me of every single year of high school, in fact there’s a whole playlist. Shout out the ‘“Indicud” album for bringing that playlist to life. Those songs I so innocently used to jam out to at the time now hold memories. They bring back situations, they put me in places I used to be in, whether good or not so good. I’m glad the music is good so I won’t totally be put in an extremely sad nostalgic state when I listen to them. Thank you, Kid Cudi, for that.
High school became better as each year went by. It was kind of like a movie where things get really good for the characters right before they have to face the main challenge of the plot. I changed as every year went by, but I can say freshman year me would be proud of who she is and who she is becoming.
Every year had its own personality and will be remembered for its own set of events. Senior year has definitely been eventful. I will miss the rush of every day, knowing each day was a step closer to the final day. Thank you to every teacher from the past four years of my life and each fellow Lewisville Farmer for making a high school a crazy but great experience.
We are all done for now. See you all in like 10 years, maybe?
Go Farmers!

“I think I left my consciousness in the sixth dimension.” - "Wait a Minute!" by Willow Smith. Senior Alexandra Canizales plans to make the most of...