Sharing voice and verse

Club to host live poetry tomorrow night

A collection of a few of the books that students will be reciting from on Tuesday night.

The poetry club will be hosting “A Night of Words” tomorrow night from 6:30 to 9 in the foyer. While it is too late to submit entries to perform, anyone is welcome to come enjoy an evening of words and delight.

Poetry club hopes “A Night of Words” will be a celebration for all kinds of creative and beautiful language.

“This will be the first year that a poetry event is hosted similar to this one, although there was a poetry slam event two years ago,” poetry club sponsor Amy Rasmussen said.

Rasmussen is the official host of the poetry event, and if anyone has any questions, they can go to her to get them answered.

This year, about 20 poets are expected to perform which is quite a turnout compared to previous events. Poets were allowed to register for all types of poetry including slam poems, poetic recitations and raps.

Students will not just be reciting poems they’ve created on their own, as they may also be rapping or sharing poems they’ve learned from reading or English class.

It can also be poems they found online on Pinterest, or even Twitter; the point is, any poem that they want to share, they can share at the poetry event.

“I’m looking forward to sharing something that I love to do because I love to write, period,” senior Trista McElyea said. “Poetry is what I started off with and it just went from there.”

McElyea will be reciting her own poem that she created.

“The poem that I’ll be presenting is about grammar, and I’m hoping to inspire proper punctuality, maybe teach them proper grammar,” McElyea said.