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The school news site of Lewisville High School

Farmers' Harvest

The school news site of Lewisville High School

Farmers' Harvest

Senior Goodbye: It’s about time

‘If this is my goodbye, it was well-earned and with nothing but love.’
“Contrary to popular belief, high school was everything like the movies; I made a plethora of memories with the best of people, and I did it all while actively trying to pass AP classes and maintaining extracurriculars.”

Oh god. I don’t know what to say to all of you. You have left me speechless, so I’ll have to deliriously come up with some sweet, inspirational things to say to you. How am I supposed to do that? I can’t even speak normally, I switch around letters and mispronounce things, which makes me question if I’ve earned the title of editor-in-chief of this little newspaper we’ve got here. OK, I need to stop rambling and get on with it.

Let me quickly give you a little “journalism life story” before I go on. I took the Journalism class next door the second semester of my freshman year, joined the newspaper staff my sophomore year, became EIC junior year and continued on through senior year. Now that doesn’t even begin to tell my full story, but that’s all I’ll tell you for now. 

I don’t know how to explain it, but high school felt like it went by both in the blink of an eye and like an entire lifetime. I remember a lot, and I forgot a lot (and not because I was ever under the influence, mom). The very best memory I have to date was in this high school (well technically the football stadium), with a camera in my hands, standing next to my very best friend, doing something I love more than words can describe: gushing over football boys. You can take the girl out of crazy town, but you can’t take crazy town out of this girl. 

I am currently the longest lasting member of the journalism program, and that title is probably my favorite I’ve earned so far. Sometimes I don’t know how I lasted this long, because it was really really hard at times, but I am so grateful I did. I never thought we would’ve accomplished some of the things we have the past few years, but oh lord am I so indescribably proud of each of you. This whole program is my little baby, and I’m not ready to leave it quite yet. 

OK, let me stop this before I start crying and move along to my “goodbye notes.” I get nervous when I get all sappy so please bear with me. 

To the newspaper staff: Hey kiddos! I feel like each of you guys are my little siblings, and I don’t think you will ever understand how much I care about you guys and want to be the best versions of yourselves. I was definitely hard on you guys…a couple times, and I made mistakes because I’m a human who’s going to screw up a lot. Each of you guys have so much potential, and I really hope you know that, if I didn’t believe in you, you wouldn’t have walked into that room every day. I am unbelievably blessed to have been your EIC, for however long it was, and I want you all to know that you all taught me a lot more than I think I ever taught you. 

To Taylor Baylor: My little princess. I love you. You are the sweetest little lunatic I know, and I love you like a sister. I absolutely wouldn’t be where I am now, or have made it to where I’m going, if it weren’t for you. I need you to keep writing. I don’t care if it’s to be published in this newspaper, or just in your notes app when you have something special on your mind, but you can’t stop here. You are destined for greatness, and I truly believe that, you just need to believe in yourself and all that you’re capable of. Again, I love you so much, and I will always be your swiftie-sister for life. 

To Ruben: I’m going to be honest, I don’t quite know what to say to you. Whatever you write about me will be better than this. I’ve never seen anyone write like you do; it’s absolute magic. I know you don’t believe in yourself like I believe in you, and I’m not sure you ever will. If you’re going to take one thing from this little note, let it be this: you are worth something. You are worth something to me, Jade, Pinkham and Hale, your family and many more to come. In my opinion, you are the best writer on this staff, and you’ve made me a better writer just by being able to work alongside you. I don’t quite know what to think of this little friendship of ours, but I believe it is one that can last for lightyears. I love ya squirt, can’t wait to see you grow, both figuratively and literally. 

To Jade: When I started writing your note, I had to sit up straight, I knew this was going to be one I had to put my whole back into. I can’t believe I found you. Our little story has already been a long one, and we’re not even a quarter through the book. You are my 4-lifer, my little soulmate. You drive me nuts, and I know I do the same to you. If you’re crying reading this, pull it together, if you’re not crying, you’re making me feel bad so start the water-works. I’ve never met anyone like you before, and I don’t think you even understand the immense strength of your character and compassion. I look to you as an inspiration when I go through tough times, because you are admirable in more ways than one. Put your seatbelt on and grab onto the pen with me as we continue to write our story, because it’s not over yet. “I love you” is too simple of a phrase to describe what you mean to me, so when some philosophical poet comes up with something better, I’ll send it to you ;).

To Pinkham: I don’t quite know what to say to you either. I know you know how much you mean to me, but if I try to tell you, you’ll probably start to cringe then shut down your laptop. You were one of the first people to ever believe in me as something more than I ever thought I was. You are my big sister, and I truly don’t know how I would’ve made it through high school without you. You were the first person I told when I found out I got into my dream school, so there’s a little example of what you mean to me. Thank you for everything, truly, you made me the person I am today. 

There are a million more people I want to thank in here, but I won’t make you read all that (who even reads that much anymore anyways). Contrary to popular belief, high school was everything like the movies; I made a plethora of memories with the best of people, and I did it all while actively trying to pass AP classes and maintaining extracurriculars. If this is my goodbye, it was well-earned and with nothing but love. Peace out.

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