Rolling through the season
With only one loss, boys’ bowling team strives to continue winning streak
Photo illustration by Jayden Warren.
The boys’ bowling team has made strike after strike gaining victories in recent games. Only having lost one game in the beginning of the season the team is in high hopes for the rest of the season.
A majority of the players, including senior bowling captain Blake Boggs, have always enjoyed bowling for the school.
“I was interested in bowling when I was 5 years old,” Boggs said. “I’ve always bowled for fun; I never thought I would continue it all the way into my high school years.”
Despite having a 8-1 record, the team feels as if its efforts aren’t recognized.
“It’s not much of a change,” Boggs said. “When other students hear about us on the announcements they say things like ‘We have a bowling team?’ I say to them, ‘Yeah, and I’m on it.’”
They carry the respect of the school with them to every game.
“I think it’s cool to represent the bowling team and the school in a way, I’ve always wanted to be a bowler for the school and win games,” senior Cody Noel said.
Regardless of how many wins they have, the team still has a lot to work on.
“The team needs to keep good spirits and try to roll strikes more often in games,” head coach Ronald Baxter said.
Baxter helps every bowler perfect their skills and he always reminds them to have fun and try their best no matter what happens.
Though Baxter is the head coach, he has learned just as many lessons as the athletes have.
“Really I learned more from them than they learned from me,” Baxter said. “All of them are really experienced bowlers.”
The team goes into every game with a determination to win. Regardless if they win or lose, they keep their spirits high. More importantly, they have fun doing what they enjoy most.
“I want every bowler to know I have enjoyed coaching them and I want them to be successful in whatever they pursue later in their lives,” Baxter said.

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